chapter 15

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Recap:You and Henry are dating and you go to tell your dad but hes dating vanessa then Henry ate a muffin that made him super clingy with you:End of Repcap

Still November 29th

You guys leave
Skip to when your at your apartment

Charlotte:so why are ray and Henry like this
Jordan:because she.... made a muffin that had some type of ingredient that who ever ate the muffin like my dad since he ate it he would close his eyes and when he opened them the first person he would see he would be in love with and in that case it was vanessa in Henry's case it was me
Jordan:yep now lets think of a way to bring them back to normal
Jasper and Charlotte:ok

Skip 15 minutes later you guys are still thinking

Jordan:i got it yell at me now
Jordan:just do it

They all start yelling at you but Henry is telling them to stop but they keep going then Henry closes his eyes and opens them again and they stop yelling and your in a position like if your gonna flinch

Henry:why were yall yel-

Then Henry looks at you

Henry:woah babe what's wrong
Jordan:your not gonna hug me
Henry:not unless you want me too
Jordan:Hes back my babys back

You guys all run and hug Henry then stop

Henry:ok what's up with you guys
Jasper:you ate a muffin that made you fall in love with the first person you saw
Henry:tell me that was Jordan
Jordan:no actually jasper
Charlotte:yep you kept hugging him
Henry:oh god no
Jasper:we put you on the couch you got up
Jordan:and hugged him
Jordan:were just playing its was me
Jasper:yep you were so clingy with her
Henry:sorry babe
Jordan:it's fine i dont mind
Charlotte:so no we yell at ray
Jasper:let's go then
Jordan:I dont want to go

You lay on the couch

Henry:bubs you have to go
Charlotte:hes your dad
Jasper:also we can't drive your the only one here who knows how to and can drive
Jordan:ugh fine just wait like an hour
Henry:why an hour
Jordan:because I might take a nap no actually I'm going out to get tacos
Henry:no bubs were going to help your dad first
Jordan:how about I drop you guys off and then go get tacos
Charlotte:No jordan
Jordan:fine let's go then

You get up and start heading to the door you open it and see them still over there by the couch

Jordan:Come on let's go hurry before i go lay on my bed
Jasper:were coming

They start walking slow towards the door

Jordan:for people who just begged me to get up from the couch to go help my father instead of tacos you guys are walking pretty slow
Henry:I kinda dont want to anymore
Jordan:it's 4 by 6 we will go help

You then postmates tacos skip to when the tacos get here your all in the couch
When theres a knock
You get up go open it and grave your tacos take them to the kitchen

Henry:who was that
Jordan:my tacos duh I got some for you guys if yall want some

You guys eat then finish
And you run to your room then lay on your bed and everyone runs after you
Then they watch you lay on your bed

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