chapter 10

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It's the next day your dressed already your eating an apple you finish eating it and you get your shoes on then you get your backpack from upstairs and you head to your car
Skip to when you get to Henry's house
You knock on the door and a guy opens it

Guy:you must be Jordan I'm Mr.Hart Henry and pipers dad
Jordan:yes thats me

You walk in and see Henry on the couch piper in the kitchen and mrs.hart coming down the stairs

Mrs.hart:Jordan Omg hi sweetie
Jordan:Hi mrs.hart

You guys hug

Mr.hart:well by family I have to go

They all say bye and he leaves

Henry:hey jordan
Jordan:hey Hen
Mrs.hart:so Jordan Henry tells me your in your dream school holly wood arts
Jordan:yep but it's not really my dream school I dont fit in there
Mrs.hart:oh why not
Jordan:not my style really so I'm coming back to swellview junior high for a few days and I have to decide if I want to go to a good 5 start school across the country and I kinda dont want to go

When you said that Henry looked at you

Mrs.hart:oh honey I think you should go it's a great way to get you in to college
Jordan:well we will see Henry let's go
Henry:let me go get my back pack

He runs upstairs

Mrs.hart:why so early
Jordan:I have to pick up Charlotte then go see my dad real quick and to talk to the school also we might pass for coffee
Mrs.hart:oh well let me pay for the coffee on Henry's part
Jordan:no it's ok I swear

Then Henry comes downstairs and you guys leave
Skip to when you guys are at junk n stuff you already picked up Charlotte and graved coffee you also got schwaz yotu dad and gooch some you gave it to them and your all in the man cave

Henry:jordan does ray know about your conversation with my mom
Jordan:what ar- you wouldnt
Henry:oh yes i would
Jordan:Henry don't I don't even wanna go he gonna encourage me to go but I don't wanna go
Henry:at least tell him then
Jordan:fine I have to choose If I wanna go to a really good school 5 starts across the country or stay here and go to swellview junior high
Ray:what happend to holly wood arts
Jordan:its not for me and there taking that school down building a church and moving it to Hollywood
Ray:well then take the 5 start one
Jordan:that's the thing I dont wanna go there I dont fit in we have to wear skirts and dress like eww gross God no that's not me
Ray:fine go to swellview junior high
Jordan:boy I was gonna there ether way ha anyways lets go were 20 minutes late
Charlotte:ugh I hate being late ugh

Skip to when yall get there your about to go in class and you 30 minutes late
Henry and Charlotte take there seats but you stay out side of the class room

Ms.shapen:what are you late
Charlotte:ugh because of Jordan's stomach thing
Ms.shapen:she transferred
Henry:no shes back

You walk in and sit in your seat

Jordan:Hey yall miss me

Skip to schools over you guys are at your locker about to leave when you notice mitch walking up to you guys

Jordan:just play along with me
Jasper:what do y-
Mitch:hey cutie
Charlotte:I know you not talking to me
Mitch:duh I'm talking to her

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