chapter 28

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Still Thursday December 11th although

Jordan drops me off and I go inside my house and run to my room
Tomorrow is literally Jordan's birthday and I haven't gotten her anything oh I know I'm gonna go to the jewelry store and get her a necklaces since she likes them so I run downstairs

Henry:mom I'm going out

I run out my house and run to the nearest jewelry store I walk in and look around when I find a beautiful necklaces so I go up to someone

Henry:hi ma'am
Lady:hi how can I help you
Henry:can you give me this necklace
Lady:sure where

I take her over to it and point at it
She takes it out I look at it and its perfect

Lady:this one is a very pretty one
Henry:yes it is
Lady:who is it for
Henry:My gf Jordan
Lady:is there an acation
Henry:her Birthdays tomorrow she said she doesnt want anything but I'm still getting her something
Lady:ok well do you have a picture of her
Lady:can I see her
Henry:yes just give me a second

I pull out my phone go to my photos and show her a photo of me and Jordan that we took a few weeks ago

Lady:shes beautiful
Henry:I know

I put my phone away

Lady:well is this the necklace you want

She graves it and takes it to the cash register I follow behind

Lady:that will be $85

I give her my money she puts it in a box with a bow around it and gives it to me

Henry:thank you
Lady:no problem

I walk out the store and go back to my  house I hide the present then go to sleep

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