chapter 5

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it's been a week since what happened everyone in swellview knows you as another one of captain mans sidekick nothing has really happened anwyas its sunday around 7 pm and your in the elevator going down to the man cave gooch is down there with everyone else
Your finally down at the man cave

Jordan:gooch Schwaz guess what
Schwaz:what is it
Jordan:I got accepted

You show them the envelope and letter

You show them the envelope and letter Envelope:

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They finish reading it and look at you

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They finish reading it and look at you

Gooch:no way
Schwaz:yes way
Gooch:congrats jordan
Schwaz:yes congratulations
Jordan:thx guys

You three hug eachother

Ray:ok what's going on
Schwaz:she got accepted

You hit him with the envelope

Jordan:he doesn't know where
Schwaz:ohh right
Gooch:she got accepted to Hollywood arts

(Pretend that school is in swellview)

Henry:and how do you guys know all she said was she got in
Jordan:I talk to schwaz and gooch every once in a while and we were on the phone us three when i applied
Charlotte:well congrats
Jordan:thx Charlotte
Ray:aren't you supposed to have talent to go to that school
Jordan:ugh rude I got a bunch of talent I can sing and play the piano you shouldnt be talking because you dont know how to
Henry:he doesn't know how to what
Jordan:you never told them
Ray:no I didnt and you aren't Ethier

Then you start to go up the tube

Charlotte:where you going
Jordan:I'm going out

Skip to when you get to the place where the captain is gonna see

Wall dog captian:spark danger what are you doing here
Jordan:its me Jordan I'm spark danger but captain man and kid danger are horrible I want to be a wall dog
Zach:ok then we are gonna have to change that outfit of yours

You change it then they were gonna do something else
Then the door bust open its captain man and kid danger

Zach:I thought no one was following you
Jordan:I thought so too
Wall dog captian:well since you wanna be apart of the wall dogs anything you need to say to them
Jordan:yes I am..... so happy to see you two

You Henry and your dad hug

Zach:what you betrayed us
Wall dog person:wait what just happened
Henry:were not gonna explain our plan because yall are stupid
Ray:let's just say it was a set up so we can find yall and take yall to jail
Wall dogs captain:wall dogs fight
Henry:theres a problem half of these are girl and the rest are boys
Henry:me and you cant hit girls Jordan can hit both girls and boys
Jordan:yall cant hit girls but you could hit bitches and all of these girls are bitches so go ahead
Ray:no Jordan
Jordan:fine then you guys fight boys I get the bitches
Henry:got it

You guys start fighting and yall win and call the cops then go home
And transform back to your normal clothes

Charlotte:how did it go
Jordan:the wall dogs are stupid
Gooch:of course they are
Charlotte:hey Jordan I found out that you have to decorate your locker at Hollywood arts and you have to pick an instrument everyone does at that school
Jordan:yeah I know im gonna pick the piano and my locker ill just show yall tomorrow when im done oh dad I'm staying after school tomorrow to finish my locker
Ray:ok fine with me
Jordan:schwaz gooch it happened again
Gooch:no you were 2 months with out doing it
Jordan:I dont really talk like this
Schwaz&gooch:I know
Jordan:but this person got a real big
Schwaz:for sure
Gooch:then block them and dont talk to them
Schwaz:yes do what gooch says and if this ever happens make sure they got a big you know
Jordan:got it

Ray jasper Henry and Charlotte look at you guys confused

Henry:what was that about
Schwaz:oh jor-

You then blast him

Schwaz:oww what was that for
Jordan:shut up schwaz gooch you say something your next
Gooch:ok I'll stay quite
Schwaz:I will too
Jordan:yall better

Then you get call its vanessa
Call starts

Jordan:ugh i thought I blocked your number
Vanessa:is you dad there
Jordan:no can I leave a message
Vanessa:yes tell him that I miss him and want him back
Jordan:ok I'll tell him when he comes back from his trip bye

You hang up and lay on the floor
(Idk about you guys but I like laying or sitting on the floor)

Jordan:ugh what a bitch
Jordan:wait who are you talk about
Jasper:wait Jordan who are you talking about
Jordan:umm vanessa my dads ex gf
Ray:ugh what does she want
Jordan:tell him I miss him and want him back

You say mocking her voice

Ray:ugh no

He comes and lays on the floor with you

Charlotte:ok what is it with you two
Charlotte:I've know ray for about 2 years and out of no where he lays on the floor and now you do it
Ray:she copied me
Jordan:no I didnt why would I copy you
Henry:because you wanna be just like him
Jordan:Haha no he wants to be me I've always layed or sat on the floor when I was little
Charlotte:why tho
Jordan:I honestly dont know it's one of my weird habits
Jasper:you have more
Jordan:yeah when I want to hurt myself something like that I grave a pen and write my name where I wanna cut or I bite my left cheek for no reason
Ray:yeah she does do that
Jordan:I'm going home peace

You leave and go to sleep

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