chapter 8

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A/n:hey sisters so I left yall on a cliff hanger and in this chapter theres a cliffhanger

A/n:look at him

A/n:ok now let's go to the story

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A/n:ok now let's go to the story

Recap:you were hanging out with friends when schwaz call you saying ray and Henry need your help apparently they were fighting toddler by a cliff and were at the edge of the cliff so you go and save then then yall were upstairs in the store:End of recap

When someone comes in its....

A/n:scroll down

It's the serpents well only toni fangs and sweet pea
(Your in a gang and they are good people you and jughead are the leaders)

Schwaz:who are you guys
Jordan:they are the serpents there a gang
Henry:how do you guys know eachother
Fangs:shes our leaders
Ray:WHAT!Jordan Manchester your in a gang you know how much I hate gangs I mean the wall dogs were a gang and I hated them and still do you know how much that affected me
Sweet Pea:calm down old man
Jordan:sweet pea chill
Toni:so your just gonna stand there come give us a hug

You walk over group hug then hug them invdeidual and then a group hug

Ray:you will not be part of a gang
Jordan:yeah I'm kinda there leader and the serpents aren't bad they are good people
Henry:so what's yalls names
Toni:im toni
SweetPea:im sweet pea
Fangs:I'm fangs and then theres our assistant serpent leader jughead
Jordan:yall know me Jordan or as the serpents know
Ray:so your the leader
Sweetpea:yes she is and jughead is the leader when shes not there
Jordan:yes wait wheres jug
Sweet Pea:that's why were here he was taken by the dogs
Charlotte:the what
Fangs:the dogs a gang witch is our enime they have a girl leader like us but our gangs was created first then theres
Jordan:so now what
Toni:we were hoping you would help us get him back
Jordan:girl you know it there in swellview right
Sweet pea:yes
Gooch:do you know where he is

They tell you

Sweet pea:we also brought this

He pulls out the serpent jacket

Jordan:that's why I love you

You put it on

Jasper:what can we do to help
Toni:yall are funny
Ray:hes serious how can we help
Jordan:you can't because you guys are not going
Ray:then how are you guys going
Jordan:because we know them I know there weakness it's too dangerous and the probaly want the wand
Charlotte:why the heck would they want a wand
Fangs:the wand is a magical wand that is owned by the serpents and the dogs want it
Toni:yes well we have to go
Jordan:wait Henry your coming with us

You take off your jacket give it to Henry and go to your car and get yours you put the jacket on and so does Henry

Fangs:why is he coming with it's too dangerous
Jordan:hes good at fighting trust me
SweetPea:ok well let's go
Jordan:wait for us outside

They leave and wait outside

Jordan:the rest stay here plz if not I'm not gonna talk to any of you besides schwaz and gooch when theres a mission I'll meet yall there I promise that so stay her got it
Everyone but henry:yes

You and Henry then go outside and they brought an extra motorcycle for jug but your gonna drive it to the place and back and Henry's getting on with you
Skip to when you guys are there your at...

A/n:scroll down

A/n:well look at that a cliffhanger anways I'm so proud of Jace for winning his 5 kids choice awards he has done a bunch of great things in life and now this is one of them well congrats Jace!!!

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