chapters 23

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Its the next day Sunday December 7th you wake up and see your still cuddling Henry and hes still sleeping so you go on your phone 2 minutes later he wakes up

Henry:morning baby
Jordan:morning bubs

He kisses your forehead

Henry:how long have you been up
Jordan:about 2 minutes so not long
Jordan:so more cuddles or we get up
Henry:more cuddles princess
Jordan:I knew that was coming
Henry:so what's the point of asking
Jordan:maybe you will change your decision

You guys cuddle for an hour more

Henry:ok we have to get up
Henry:drop me off at my house so I can change plz

You drop him off at his house then you go back to your house you change then grave a blanket with you
Skip to when your at the man cave its only ray schwaz and Charlotte
You walk in with a blanket around you

Charlotte:oh hey Jordan

Then you lay on the floor covered with your blanket 3 minutes later henry comes in

Henry:hey guys
Ray:sup Henry hey Charlotte wheres Jordan I thought she was here
Charlotte:she Is here shes right there

She points to you on the floor

Henry:what are you doing on the floor
Jordan:laying down
Henry:well get up
Jordan:your so bossy
Henry:just get up
Jordan:fine Mr.boss man

You get up and you all sit on the U couch Henry has his arm around you

Henry:so guys I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my arm when I turn 18 in March
Jordan:it might hurt a little but not to much
Ray:how do you know that
Jordan:wait you guys havent seen my tattoo

You pull up your right sleeve up and show them your serpent tattoo
Then put it down

Charlotte:dont you have to be 18
Ray:when did you get it
Jordan:when I was 14 15 or 16
Henry:but you need a parents consent if your not 18
Ray:yeah I never gave you consent
Jordan:no need to I didnt go to a tattoo shop F.P did it he did it for all the serpents
Ray:wow and you didnt tell me
Jordan:I thought you saw it already
Ray:well I didnt
Jordan:then your blind

Then you get a. Phone call (you help the police and FBI'S BAU (your friends with criminal minds people I know criminal minds takes place in Virginia but in the story it takes place in swellview)out on some cases when they need your help) its your police friend Alex
Call starts:

Jordan:hey what's up
Alex:isnt it the time
Jordan:no that's next month
Alex:oh right sorry
Jordan:it's fine well I gtg see ya next month
Alex:see ya

Then you hang up

Ray:who was that
Jordan:my police friend
Charlotte:you have police friends
Jordan:and FBI friends
Charlotte:ok so what are we doing about Jordan's birthday Friday
Jordan:I'm gonna be sick (you say as a joke)
Ray:no Jordan stop that we do this almost every year
Henry:what are you guys talking about
Ray:almost every year when we talk about Jordan's birthday she says shes gonna be sick and all those time we talk about the good things in her birthday because she hates her birthday
Schwaz:vhy do you hate your birthday
Jordan:because all the attention is on me I walk in to a room Its all Happy birthday like eww gross
Henry:well what kind of bf would I be if I didnt celebrate my gfs 18th birthday
Jordan:a good one
Henry:Jordan no
Jordan:fine only the people in this room and jasper a cake that's it no presents
Henry:we can work with that

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