Chapter 31

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It's the next day December 13th i wake up cuddling Henry his hand is around my waist I check my phone its 7:30 i have court at 1 so i just lay in bed and start thinking how did I get so lucky I mean I have an amazing bf amazing dad amazing friends and an amazing life then I feel Henry start moving around trying to get comfortable so I get off of him so he can get comfortable then he puts me back on him

Henry:Stop stay here

Then he kisses the top of my head and goes back to sleep I smile and just lay there for about 30 minutes when Henry wakes up and he sees im awake

Henry:morning princess
Jordan:Moring love

He kisses me on the lips and I kiss back then we pull away

Henry:how long have you been up
Henry:oh ok

We keep cuddling then we guys get up i take a shower first then Henry younger dressed and go downstairs then Henry comes down stairs

Jordan:what do you wanna eat

I grave two bowls and pour our cereal then we eat we finish and put plates in the sink and the sink is full of dishes so I decide to wash them while washing the dishes Henry puts his arms around me and his head on my shoulder

Henry:I want more cuddles
Jordan:wa,wa,Boo hoo you already had some
Henry:but I want more
Jordan:No when we get back from court if I'm not busy
Henry:ok fine
Jordan:well im done here so we can start heading to junk n stuff

He let's me go I dry my hands off then head out we get to the man cave we walk in and see schwaz Charlotte and mh dad

Jordan:hey guys
Ray:are you ready? Is your lawyer ready?

You can tell hes panicking

Jordan:ok calm down its only 11 in the morning we have court at 1 and my lawyer will meet us there hes a good one trust me so calm down
Ray:your right I'm gonna calm down
Jordan:ok good

Then me and Henry sit down on the U couch with with our legs up on the couch playing video games on our phone and my dad starts cleaning when he gets to us

Ray:can you guys get up so I can clean

We both ignore him

Ray:can you stop playing for 1 second

We pause the game


We unpause the game and keep playing

Ray:ok fine I'll stop cleaning

He puts his cleaning stuff away

Charlotte:I'm gonna go see if we have or get any customers

She leaves
Charlotte's POV

I go upstairs and just go behind the container a costumer comes in looking for a Jello recipe witch we dont have then someone else came in I-I-its ROSS LYNCH I love his music omg

Charlotte:your Ross lynch
Ross:yeah im looking for jordna Manchester
Charlotte:I'll go get her shes in the back also I love your music
Ross:thank you

I then head downstairs
Back to you
Ms and henry stopped playing I'm just  in the man cave I'm just playing basketball

Ray:jordan me vs you
Jordan:I'm down

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