chapter 34

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It's the next day december 15th I wake up and start getting dressed then get a phone call from Henry
Call starts

Henry:morning princess
Jordan:morning love
Henry:I'm going with my mom today
Jordan:ok cya at school

He hangs up and I finish getting ready then I grave my back pack and go downstairs I put my bag down on the stair then make myself a smoothie (idk about yall but I never eat breakfast) I finish my smoothie I put the cup in the sink then I grave my back pack and go pick up Charlotte,
Charlotte gets in the passenger seat

Charlotte:where's henry
Jordan:hes going with his mom
Charlotte:oh ok

We get to school me and Charlotte at our lockers when Jake comes up to me

Jake:hey jordan
Jake:since you dont want to be my gf I got myself a gf
Jordan:good for you
Jake:take a look at my gf

He points to Bianca

Jake:shes the only one I got

Then you see Henry walk in

Jordan:take a look at my bf

You point to Henry

Jordan:hes the only one I got

He walks away and Henry comes over to us

Henry:hey guys

Henry puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek

Henry:what was jake doing over here
Jordan:bragging that Bianca is his gf
Charlotte:so jordan started bragging that your her bf
Henry:ohh ok

Then jasper walks over to us

Jasper:hey guys
Jordan:Charlotte you know what we should do
Jordan:join the cheerleading team
Charlotte:no those skirts are way to short
Jordan:But theres really cute boys on the football team
Charlotte:theres really cute boys all over the school
Jordan:but the football team has really really really cute boys
Henry:excuse me
Jordan:your really really really cute too it's just we need to find Charlotte a bf
Charlotte:ok let's give it a shot let's joing the team

Then I see the whole football team

Jordan:or maybe we dont have to

The football team turns and looks at me then walk over to me (we will have them as 1-11)

Jordan:say your names
1:I'm liam
Jordan:ok thx you guys can go

They walk away

Henry:so witch one do you think is cute Charlotte
Jordan:yeah how about we find another boy
Jordan:they all have gfs or are talking to someone
Jasper:how do you know
Jordan:hi I'm Jordan,Jordan Manchester I know everything
Jasper:good point

Then the bell rings and we all go to class

Ms.shapen:so I have to teach this class switch I don't want to sk Jordan you teach

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