chapter 51(The end)

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You guys have your baby named ryatt but then a few years later you have another baby named Bowie shes 1 ryatt is 4 and tydus is 6 there stopped being crime so we stopped being spark danger and kid danger unless they need us witch is rare I stooped having powers when I was a month pregnant with ryatt we thought it would be safer and it is my dad and schwaz still live in the man cave we always go to vist them
Here is a pic of tydus ryatt and Bowie:

You guys have your baby named ryatt but then a few years later you have another baby named Bowie shes 1 ryatt is 4 and tydus is 6 there stopped being crime so we stopped being spark danger and kid danger unless they need us witch is rare I stooped...

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a/n:so the story is over sorry I kinda rushed it but I did start a new story though and ofc it's abt Jace :)

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