chapter 37

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Lets just skip Christmas and new years yesterday was Sunday henry slept over It's the next morning I wake up cuddling Henry I grave my phone to check what time it is and its 7 I put my phone down and after about 5 minutes Henry wakes up

Henry:morning princess
Jordan:morning baby

He lifts up my chin and gives me a kiss on the lips then we get out off bed

Henry:omg I forgot my toothbrush
Jordan:I have extra in the bottom left cabinet
Henry:ok thx

He opens the cabinet and graves a tooth brush he brushes hes teeth and gets ready then I do the same we head downstairs we make breakfast we decied on pancakes and bacon(or it could be eggs I personally hate eggs)
He makes the bacon while I make the pancakes then we eat after that we get our stuff and go pick up Charlotte
She gets in the car


I drive to school we walk in and go to our lockers then jasper walks over to us

Japser:hey guys
Henry:hey man
Charlotte:hey jasper
Jasper:guess what I got
Jordan:dont say another bucket
Jasper:a bucket
Jordan:and he said it
Jasper:I got this bucket from a guy who was selling them off of the back of his truck for only 5 dollars
Jordan:you should make your stories more interesting
Jasper:anways after that I found another guy who was selling them for $1 and I bought 10 more buckets
Jordan:seriously you really need to make your stories more interesting cause all I'm hearing is blah,blah,blah

Then the bell rings and we all go to our first class science theres only 5 more minutes of science

Ms.shapen:ok so since you guys are my home room
Jordan:hold on were your homeroom
Jordan:uh ok continue
Ms.shapen:this Friday is prom no tickets needed just come you guys can come with a date or not but I would prefer you guys come with a date and yeah now any questions

A girl raises her hand and ms.shapen calls on her

Girl:what's the theme
Ms.shapen:Hollywood now leave my classroom

Henry's thoughts
Its prom Friday I'm gonna ask Jordan to be my prom date
End of thoughts

We all get up and leave class then we head to our second class i have Charlotte and Henry in this class the teacher is mad about her computer and I'm reading a book because its reading class then she comes up to me

Teacher:Jordan detention

Right when she said that the whole class is looking at us I just keep reading my book

Teacher:acknowledge me damm it
Jordan:alright I have detention but I actually dont
Teacher:wdym you dont
Jordan:well this is your 3rd time giving someone detention for no reason this is also your 3rd strike so if I go tell them that you gave me detention for no reason you'll get fired
Teacher:good point yeah you dont have detention

Then the bell rings I get up and walk out then someone pulls me in a closet
I look and see its Jake and Bianca

Jordan:what's wrong with you two
Jake:we need to talk
Jordan:then why didn't you just ask to talk instead of pulling me in here
Bianca:because we didnt want to  anways we want you to break up with Henry
Jake:so then I can date you
Bianca:and I date Henry
Jordan:you two really are crazy but what if I dont
Jake:then we will hurt everyone you love

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