chapter 25

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Its the next day December 9th Tuesday schools over already You jasper and Henry are in the hall way Henry is leaned against the locker with his arm around your waist
Then Charlotte comes up to you guys

Charlotte:Hey guys
Jordan:hey char
Charlotte:can you guys come watch me audition
Henry:yeah sure

You guys go with Charlotte you all sit and watch till they call Charlotte you see a bunch of kids who are in your class or in the hall ways after 10 minutes she goes to the stage Henry's on your left then a random lady is on your right Charlotte does her audition

Acuast:no horrible get off my stage you have no talent

Charlotte looks sad Then jasper walks walk in front of the director

Jasper:no talent wdym it was the best one yet all the other ones were horrible not hers and she has talent trust me I know she does
Jasper:your the one with no talent you havent had an amazing play in 10 years

Then Two security with yellow jackets grave jasper but jaspers trying to get them off of him

Henry:quick what's the worst that could happen if I try and break him free
Jordan:juvenile,one prior for mooning,twenty hours community service
Henry:I can live with that
Jordan:oh God no

Henry runs and jumps on the security guards then Charlotte puts her microphone down and jumps on another security guard then everyone looks at you because they know that's your bf and two friends so you look to the lady on your right

Jordan:I gotta get new friends

You run and jump on a security guard
They finally gets you guys off the security guards and put you guys in a cop car and takes you guys to junk n stuff you guys get there and walk in with the police men and see your dar

Police 1:are these your kids
Jordan:dad you know I love you right
Police 2:they will tell you what happen

They leave

Ray:you 4 man cave now

You guys get to the man cave
Your dad sits on the U couch and you 4 are in front of him

Ray:tell me what happend in order
Charlotte:so us 4 went to my audition and the director said I have no talent
Jasper:so I went up to him and told him she does have talent and he doesnt have talent because he hasn't made a good play for 10 years then they called security on me and they graved me but I was trying to break out
Henry:that's when I turned to Jordan to see what would've happend if I tried and braked him out
Jordan:and my answer is Henry will do juvenile,one prior for mooning, and twenty hours community service
Henry:I told her I could live with that so I ran and jumped on one of the security guards
Charlotte:then I put the mic down and jumped in
Ray:ok so what does this have to do with Jordan
Jordan:were getting to that part so them three are fighting the guards while every student there turns and looks at me because they know that they are my friends so I turn to the lady on my right tell her I gotta get new friends then run and jump on the guards so all of us were fighting till they called the police
Charlotte:hey what are we doing for Christmas
Henry:I'm gonna be with my family
Jasper:with Henry's family
Charlotte:I'm also with Henry's family what about you three
Schwaz:me and ray
Ray:I'm with schwaz maybe Jordan Charlotte:Jordan what about you
Jordan:ah me you see I'm all over the place
Jordan:well I have many families like the serpents or Jugheads dad and sister or My FBI friends my regular family Henry's sister and parents
Jasper:that's a lot
Jordan:I know I have to first go to the FBI drop off presents for sertent people I give hotch 2 JJ 3 and Reid 2
Jordan:I give hotch 2 because ones for him the other one Jack then I give JJ 3 for herself her little boy Henry and her bf Will and I give Reid 2 one for him and the other for his momma after that I go to Iowa to drop off presents only for jughead his dad and sister then tong fangs and sweat pea
Jasper:that's alot of money
Jordan:not really but I have to go to the FBI and Iowa
Henry:oh I almost forgot My mom invited you for Christmas
Jordan:I know
Jordan:she texted me
Ray:so what you get us
Jordan:oh dad I got you 1 new experience mirror
Jordan:no I haven't bought you guys anything I've only bought some for the serpents The FBI and Henry's sister and parents
Henry:what about us
Jordan:im not done shopping
Jasper:I gotta go

He leaves
Then you get a ft and you answer it's big time rush with two girls btr is big time rush
Ft starts

BTR:Hi Jordan
Jordan:hey boys
Kendall:Jordan meet mine and Logan's gf
Girl 1:hi I'm jo I'm dating kendall
Girl2:and I'm Camille im dating Logan
Jordam:well I'm Jordan as you may know
Jo:how did you meet the boys
Jordan:through kendall me and kendell actually worked at the same store we became bestfriends then he introduced me to the boys
Camille:oh ok
Logan:Girl we gotta go by Jordan

You hang up

Jordan:I'm going home
Henry:me two
Charlotte:me three
Jordan:we know cleaning day

You guys all leave you drop them of fthen go to your house

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