chapter 4

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Today is Saturday you guys are all down in the man cave beside jasper hes out on a family trip and not coming back till next Saturday
Then your phone starts ringing

Ray:who's calling you
Jordan:nobody but you my lovely father are coming with me
Ray:where to
Jordan:upstairs to the store I put this thing on my phone to tell me when someone's there and its your ex girlfriend the one we hate so your coming with me before I snap on her
Charlotte:I'm coming I wanna see this
Gooch:us too

You all go upstairs And rays ex girlfriend enters were gonna call her vanessa

Vanessa:hey guys
Ray:hey vanessa
Vanessa:how are you
Ray:umm good
Vanessa:wheres your daughter
Jordan:right here
Vanessa:omg you've gotten so big
Jordan:its called growing but how would you know
Vanessa:I see you still have attitude
Jordan:I see you still stank and are a bitch
Vanessa:ugh rude
Jordan:ugh rude

You say mocking her

Vanessa:so who are these kids
Ray:this is Henry and Charlotte
Vanessa:well hello I'm vanessa
Henry:good for you vanessa
Vanessa:so jordan do your new friends know about your disorder
Jordan:what dis- oh wait I know what your talking about dad you know witch one
Ray:yes I do
Jordan:Henry Charlotte let me show you guys vanessa hold my hand
Vanessa:umm ok

You grave her hand and flip her over

Jordan:take that I never had a disorder

Then she gets back up

Vanessa:your a little bitch
Jordan:your just mad because my dad doesn't want you and I don't blame him your also mad your son is a disappointment he smokes does drugs drinks always in jail bad grades hes dumb a drop out and I'm not a disappointment I mean look at me I dont drink dont smoke dont do drugs I'm smart have good grades not in jail like him also not a drop out
Vanessa:that nose piercing makes you a disappointment and that slit in your eyebrow
Jordan:no it's doesnt but at least that little slit in my eyebrow is gonna grow back unlike your son who might not come out of jail and my nose piercing I can just take it out and if i never put the piercing back in it will close but at least I dont have tattoos and ive never been on house arrest or caught robbing a bank and a liquor store you know what I'm saying if i was gonna rob a bank and a liquor store i wouldn't have gotten cought like your son but you have to be smart to do that and hes the opposite

Vanessa storms out

Ray:good job
Jordan:she's just a bitch for no reason
Charlotte:and ugly
Schwaz:what did you see in her ray
Ray:I honestly dont know
Jordan:im going back down stairs peace out

You and everyone go downstairs then you start to do something with a tube  a needle and container you connect the tube to the needle and the other side of the tube to the container

Jordan:Henry sit in this chair
Henry:umm ok

He sits down

Schwaz:help me
Gooch:shut up schwaz

You look and see schwaz is stick in the food order thing

Jordan:Henry I'm gonna need some of your blood
Henry:does..that mean a n-needle
Ray:aw is Henry sacred of a needle
Henry:no I just dont like them
Ray:sounds to me like your scared hey Charlotte henry is scared of needles
Henry:shut up ray
Schwaz:I am stuck
Gooch:I said be quiet
Ray:awe poor baby scared of a needle
Jordan:that's it im done with you guys gooch go to the store upstairs now

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