chapter 50

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A/n:1 chapter left :(

It's been a few months since me and Henry got married he adopted tydus too i'm not Jordan Manchester I'm jordan hart and tydus isnt tydus Manchester hes tydus hart umm lets just say me an Henry did IT like a day ago and ive been feeling sick I took a test turns out I'm pregnant anways were at the man cave I'm planning on telling them today

Jordan:ok I'll meet you guys in the car
Henry:ok come on buddy let's race to the car
Tydus:it's on

They run out

Ray:so what's up Mrs.hart

I laugh

Jordan:well I need to tell you and schwaz something
Schwaz:whats up
Jordan:I'm pregnant

We hug

Ray:have you told Henry and tydus
Jordan:no I'm gonna tell them today
Schwaz:well good like

Skip to when were at home I have Henry and tydus sitting on the couch

Henry:buddy what's wrong
Henry:did you get her mad
Tydus:no did you

Then I laugh

Jordan:this is good news
Henry:oh ok so what's up
Jordan:idk how to say this
Tydus:just tell us mom
Jordan:I'm pregnant
Henry:omg are you serious
Henry:I'm gonna be a dad again
Jordan:were gonna have another baby

He gets up gives me a kiss and hugs me

Tydus:what does that mean
Jordan:it means your gonna be a big brother you will have have a baby brother or baby sister

He hugs me and us three hug

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