Chapter 29

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It's the next day Friday no school December 12th your birthday
You wake up to so many text of people saying "happy birthday"you reply back to all messages saying "thank you" then when your done you get up take a shower brush your teeth then get dressed you leave your hair down thsn go downstairs with your phone you eat cereal then get a text from Henry's mom
Text start

Momma hart
Hi Jordan happy birthday
Please stop by

Thank you Mrs.hart
And sure I'll stop by in a
Few minutes

Momma hart
Ok see ya

you finish eating so you put your bowl in the sinking and head to Henry's house you knock on the door and piper answers

Piper:hi jordan
Jordan:hey piper
Piper:happy birthday
Jordan:thank you
Piper:welcome in

You walk in and she closes the door then runs off and mrs.hary comes in

Mrs.hart:happy birthday Sweetie
Jordan:aww thank you
Mrs.hart:here it's from all of us
Jordan:you don't have to
Mrs.hart:no I insists
Mrs.hart:is henry with you
Jordan:we are meeting up later hes out right now with my dad
Mrs.hart:oh ok
Jordan:yep well I should get going

I walk out with the present she gave me it was a card with 40 dollars in it ,it also had a message so I read it

Happy birthday sweetie I wish you the best your finally a girl that henry is with and we all like your so kind and beautiful we all know your the one for Henry and hes the one for you we love you like as our own kid thank you for making Henry smile have a great day
From,The hart family

Message over
you put away and head to junk n stuff
You get there And go to the man cave you walk in and see schwaz

Schwaz:happy birfday
Jordan:its birthday and thank you
Schwaz:you say it better
Jordan:weres everyone
Schwaz:oh they went out to get the stuff but they should be back a-soon
Jordan:oh ok wanna play game
Schwaz:sure what game
Jordan:ok it's called blasty blaster
Schwaz:how do you play
Jordan:we just blast eachother who ever falls first loses
Schwaz:ok let me grave a blaster

He graves a blaster and you have your watch blaster

Jordan:on the count of three we start blasting

You guys start blasting eachother then after 10 minutes of blastering eachother you nor schwaz have fallen then Charlotte your dad and Henry come in

Schwaz:oh hey g-

He gets cut off by he falling on to the floor and then they look at you

Jordan:ha i wi-

You fall down too ray and Henry run over to you then Charlotte runs over to schwaz they get you and schwaz on the U couch then you guys wake up

Schwaz:who won
Jordan:I did you fell first then me
Schwaz:aw man
Henry:ok someone tell us what the heck happened and why you two passed out
Jordan:we were playing blasty blaster the first one to fall loses schwaz fell then I did so he lost
Ray:oh well happy birthday kiddo
Jordan:thx dad

You two hug

Charlotte:happy birthday Jordan
Jordan:awe thx

You guys hug

Henry:happy birthday babe
Jordan:thx babe

You both hug then you stand next to eachother he wraps his arm around your waist

Charlotte:time to party
Ray:one problem
Henry:we dont have food we only have cake and we cant eat cake right away
Jordan:I knew you guys would forget the food so I order some
Henry:your a life saver
Jordan:I know
Schwaz:wait what's Jordan and Henry's ship name
Ray:or hordan
Schwaz:hey jordan aren't you a little dizzy
Jordan:no why
Schwaz:becauss I am from all the bla-

He gets cuts off by falling on the floor

Jordan:you know what I actually am a little di-

You get cut off by falling on the ground but before you reached the ground Henry catches you since hes next to you

Henry:I got you

He brings you back up and you feel better then schwaz gets up

Ray:how many time did you guys blast eachother
Jordan:well I got here at 11 it's already 1 we talked for 2 minutes then we blasted each other till you guys got here 10 minutes after so
Jordan &schwaz: a bunch of times
Henry:and you guys passed out twice so was it worth it

You and schwaz look at eachother

Jordan:we had fun
Schwaz:yes ve did

Then your phone starts buzzing you check it and it's the pizza and wings there upstairs

Jordan:the delivery man is here with our food

You go upstairs get the food then come back down you guys eat

Jordan:hey wheres jasper
Henry:see I knew we were missing something else

You guys laugh then cut the cake you guys were all there till 6 then you all go home you drop Charlotte off then Henry

Jordan:ok were here
Henry:ok wait I have something for you

He takes out a box with a bow

Jordan:I thought I said no presents
Henry:yeah but your my gf and I wanted to get you something

He gives it to you,you open it and see a beautiful necklaces you take out and put it on and put the box down

Jordan:Babe its beautiful
Henry:so you like it
Jordan:I love it
Henry:I'm glad
Jordan:but just know for your birthday I'm going all out

He laughs

Henry:ok well I have to go inside
Jordan:ok see ya tomorrow
Henry:cya good bye kiss

You guys kiss then he leaves and you drive off

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