chapter 14

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It's the next day November 29th wake up and turn on Netflix you start watching (what ever you want)
10 minutes later you get a call it's henry
Call starts:

Henry:Hey babe
Jordan:hey bubs what's up
Henry:are you going to the man cave later
Jordan:I would but I'm in my comfortable bed watching Netflix
Henry:no invite wow bubs
Jordan:sorry babe but I woke up 10 minutes before you called
Henry:its fine
Jordan:but if you want you can come cuddle with me
Henry:done mind if I do but notice how we got off topic
Jordan:oh yeah are you going to the man cave
Henry:when I'm done cuddling my baby I will
Jordan:then I will too
Henry:ok well gtg I'll be there in 5

He hangs up
5 minutes later theres a knock on the door you get up and go unlock it
He opens his arms and you walk in to them and hug ecahother

Henry:hi babe

You guys stop hugging and you drag him to your room you guys cuddle and watch Netflix
An hour later you guys are still cuddling and watching Netflix

Jordan:ok well I'm gonna get dressed
Henry:ok I'll be here

You go and get dressed

Then you walk out of the bathroom

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Then you walk out of the bathroom

Henry:baby you look good
Jordan:thx babe well come on let's go

Skip to when you guys are there you and Henry walk in and see everyone upstairs  you stand by your dad and Henry

Henry:we have news
Jordan:we started dating yesterday November 28th
Ray:eww yall make an ugly couple
Charlotte:congrats guys
Jasper:yeah what Charlotte said and ray just the other day you said they would make a cute couple
jordan:wait shush

Ray and Henry keep talking over you so you grave Henry's face and kiss him on the lips and everyone goes silent then you let go

Henry:what was that for
Jordan:so you guys can shut up omg she coming listen I'm gonna snap at her hold me back before I go at her
Jasper:what are y-

He gets cut off by Vanessa walking in

Vanessa:hi babe
Ray:hi sweetheart
Jordan:oh you didnt
Vanessa:in fact I did
Jordan:let me have at it

You were gonna tackle her but Henry graved you

Henry:babe no
Vanessa:babe? Yall are dating
Jasper:yes they are
Vanessa:I never thought you would get a bf guess I was wrong
Jordan:and I never though a hoe like you would get back with my dad I thought you would move on and not cry your self to sleep at night because he left you but guess I was wrong
Vanessa:how do you know that I cry myself to sleep because your father left me
Jordan:girl I know alot of things like how you had a baby girl with a guy you found on the street but you had an abortion because you were dealing with your disappointment of a son and you never saw the guy who got you pregnant ever again see no one knows that but I do anways i don't have time i have to figure out have to fix my dad so I'll be back

You leave the store skip an hour later you walk in the store and see Henry eating a muffin

Jordan:Charlotte where did Henry get that
Charlotte:vanessa gave it to him
Jordan:God no

You knock the muffin out of his hand he closes his eyes opens them sees you  then walks over and hugs you

Charlotte:what's going on
Jordan:I'll tell you later
Vanessa:so you figured put how  I did it
Vanessa:what about how to fix it
Jordan:still working on that anways come on guys were going to my apartment

You guys leave
Skip to when your at your apartment

Charlotte:so why are ray and Henry like this
Jordan:because she....

You have to wait till the next chapter

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