chapter 13

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The next day Saturday November 28

Henry's POV

I wake up to a phone call from Charlotte
Call starts:

Charlotte:did you ask Jordan to be your gf
Henry:she didnt show up so I'm gonna ask her today
Charlotte:not while I'm there
Henry:no when we drop you off I'm gonna ask if she wants to go to the park and ask her there
Charlotte:ok well I gtg because jordam almost here
Henry:same bye

I hang up

Back to you

I wake up get dressed eat breakfast then go to the man cave I walk un see gooch schwaz and my dad

Jordan:hey dad hey gooch hey schwaz
Jordan:what are yall doing today
Ray:nothing but be here
Schwaz:what are you doing today
Jordan:gonna go pick up food for goochs plant with Henry and Charlotte
Ray:that's cool I guess
Jordan:sure well I gtg pick them up bye

I leave and go to Henry's house then Charlotte's

Jordan:hey guys
Charlotte:why did you take long
Jordan:I went to junk n stuff
Jordan:honestly idk why

You guys laugh
Skip to later you guys took 5 hours although it was three hours but you guys kept stopping and stuff then you guys got there graved the plant food then headed back you guys stopped at junk n stuff to drop the plant food off and your taking Charlotte home

Charlotte:bye guys

She leaves

Henry:Jordan can we go to the park
Jordan:sure hen

You guys get to the park and get off the car you head over to the swings and you stand behind a swing

Henry:what are you doing
Jordan:for you to sit on the swing so I can push you

Henry walks over and sits on the swing your standing behind and you start pushing him

Henry:hey Jordan
Henry:how come you didnt show up to the park yesterday
Jordan:umm because I didnt plan to come
Henry:but jasper texted you to come
Jordan:no he didnt see

You show him that you and jasper never texted

Henry:God damm it jasper
Jordan:why tho
Henry:I was gonna say that I like you alot and if you would be my gf
Jordan:oh I'm sorry Henry and I like you too
Henry:well then Jordan Manchester will you be my gf
Jordan:I would love to be your gf henry hart

You guys kissed and lived happily ever after you and Henry started dating November 28th

!!!THE END!!!

Jk we still have a lot to go through

You and Henry hang out at the park then you drop him off at his house you go in and tell his family yall are dating then you leave and head home

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