chapter 19

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You guys get there to Iowa Henry fell asleep on your shoulder and you didnt know how to wake him up so you kiss him on the lips he kisses back and you feel him smile then you let go

Jordan:I didnt know how else to wake you up so I did that
Henry:well that was an amazing way to wake up
Jordan:well were here in Iowa

You guys get up grave your bags and get off the car
Skip to when your at jugheads house you and Henry walk in

Jordan:I'm home

She runs and hugs you,you hug back
Then F.P hugs you and you hug back

Jellybean:the last time I saw you I asked if this guys was your bf
Henry:jellybean this guys has a name its Henry
Jellybean:so are you and Henry dating
Jordan:last time I said no
Jellybean:so no
Jordan:and this time it's a yes

Then you go hug jug toni and sweet pea

Jordan:so I'm going to the hospital to see fangs
Henry:I'll come too
Toni:I saw him an hour ago
SweetPea:we all went an hour ago
Jordan:ok then come on Henry

You guys go to the hospital
You go to fangs room
You see him there wide awake you run and hug him he hugs you back

Jordan:what happend to the coma
Fangs:I just got out of it 10 minutes ago
Jordan:fangs this is Henry
Fangs:I know but what's the catch
Jordan:were dating
Jordan:thx so does anyone else know
Fangs:your the first and I can go home right now
Jordan:well let's go

Skip to when your back at jugs you and Henry walk in fangs stays out side

Toni:that was fast
Henry:maybe because of this come in

Fangs walks in

Jug:omg your ok
Fangs:yes I am

You guys all hug him and stop

Jordan:ok now fangs tell us who it was
Fangs:it wa-

He gets cut off by gunshots outside

Jordan:fangs check if its them

He looks outside then looks at you

Fangs:its them
Jordan:ok sweet pea give me the pistol make sure it has bullets I'm going out there
Henry:what babe no
Jordan:look I got this I'm mad dog my aim is good so is my punches I'll be alright

He hands you a gun

Jordan:I'm going out there stay in here unless I call you guys out got it

You kiss Henry and go outside

The other gang were gonna call lions

Lucas:we were expecting fangs
Jordan:who are yall
Lucas:were the lions
Jordan:listen lions do you guys know who I am
Jordan:I'm mad dog
Marc:yo we mest with the wrong gang
Jordan:yeah you did
Marc:mad dog is the baddest gang leader she runs te serpents
Zack:no jughead does
Jordan:wrong I do he just helps and shit but come here all 4 of you

They come up

Jordan:stay here

You go inside

Jordan:fangs come out
Jug:are you crazy
Jordan:boy I got my fist and gun he will be fine

You and fangs go outside

Jordan:now fangs you will punch every single one of them got it

He punches each of them

Jordan:now leave and never ever I mean ever mess with my serpents because I will kill each and everyone you love including yourself and leave your guns

They drop there guns get on there motorcycle and leave you and fangs grave the guns and go inside

Toni:are you guys alright
Jordan:yes we even got free guns

You and fangs show them the guns
Then put them down

Jug:hey Jordan Henry come outside

You guys go outside with jug
And see a blonde girl

Jug:guys this is my girlfriend Betty
Jordan:hi I'm Jordan and this is Henry
Jordan:your not in a gang your with the good guys
Jordan:jug you got yourself a goody tissues kid I mean I dont blame you i did too

You say pointing to Henry

Jug:so how long you in Iowa for
Jordan:umm just 1 more hour
Betty:oh ok

Skip to when your back at junk n stuff in the man cave you see everyone there
You and Henry walk in

Ray:your alive
Jordan:yes we are
Henry:yeah I guess

You then get a notification

Jordan:no no no I just got back
Henry:bubs what's wrong
Jordan:we have to go stop the ryhmer (pretend idk)
Ray:where is he
Jordan:up stairs
Henry:that's bad
Jordan:I say we send jasper up there
Ray:I agree with Jordan
Jordan:fine spark danger is going
Ray:with captain man
Henry:and kid danger

You guys blow a bubble and go upstairs you guys see him there

Ryhmer:we have to ryhme the whole entire time
Henry:fine ryhmer we will ryhme this whole time
Ray:right so I guess we have to ryhme right now
Ryhmer:that was so bad
Henry:I got this ryhmer stop being an ass and go away
Ryhmer:even worse

Your just standing there

Ray:spark danger you try
Jordan:get out of this store
Jordan:theres the door look mr weird looking guy were done rhyming let's just fight or just go home
Ryhmer:yeah im going home
Jordan:same round 2 another day

He leaves and you guys transform back

Jordan:I'm leaving

You guys leave and go home to sleep

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