chapter 6

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The next day Monday morning the first day of school at Hollywood arts yayy you get up you eat breakfast then get dressed
Skip to when you get to school
You go to the main entrance and see a guy there

Guy:hi I'm andre you must be Jordan
Jordan:yes I am nice to meet you andre
Andre:same to you well first let me introduce you to my friends we have all the classes together but they are in class
Jordan:umm ok

You guys walk to class room

Andre:guys this is Jordan she's new to Hollywood arts I'm showing her around
Guy:I'm beck I'm dating jade
Girl:I'm jade the gf
Guy:I'm robbie and this is rex

He says pointing to a puppet

Girl:I'm cat like the animal
Gurl:I'm trina
Guy:I'm the teacher mr.sikowitz
Girl:I'm tori nice to meet you this school is so wonderful

You then turn to jade

Jordan:why is she So happy
Jade:idk but its annoying
Jordan:it seems like it
Mr.sikowitz:so Jordan tell us about your self
Jordan:I'm 16 I used to go to (favorite school name) but got kicked out so I started to go to swellview junior high but now I go here
Jade:I got kicked out of that school too why did you get kicked out
Jordan:my attitude how I dress and I got into alot of fights
Jordan:anways I'm bad ass I'm not afraid to speak up I have a bad attitude my mom left when I was little I like the movie the scisoring (idk if I spelt it right)
Jade:same i like you already

Then your watch starts beeping

Cat:what's that
Jordan:oh my watch I forgot to say I have to take some medications when it beeps and I left them at home so I'm gonna go get them bye

You run out and start driving to junk n stuff when your dad calls

Jordan:what dad
Dad:theres a mission
Jordan:I know
Dad:ok hurry and come fast also remember when ever theres a mission go pick Henry Charlotte up
Jordan:what about jasper
Dad:no not him
Jordan:ok bye

You hang up and drive to swellview junior high

Henry's POV

Me Charlotte and jasper are in class when my watch starts beeping

Henry:what am I supposed to say say shes not gonna let me go

I put my hand up

Henry:may I use the bathroom

Then Jordan walks in

Jordan:I need henry and Charlotte dont as questions they will be back maybe

They get in the car

Back to you

You guys get in the car

Henry:what is it
Jordan:theres a mission and my dad said whenever theres a mission to get you guys so let's go

Skip to when you get to the man cave

Jordan:what it's my first day at school and you call
Ray:me and you Jordan are going to go stop Manyak
Henry:why not me
Jordan:you know what lets all go me my dad and Henry
Charlotte:ok but why did ray say me and you Jordan
Jordan:because Manyak is a super bad villain I have fought before and it's too dangerous for Henry
Henry:stop staying its to dangerous for me I can handle it
Jordan:im just trying to protect you but fine let's go

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