chapter 42

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Skip to Henry's birthday I get dressed get ready and wait till Henry gets here  he thinks were hanging out the whole day but actually later on theres gonna be a surprise party at the mayor's office anways Henry gets here I open the door and see Henry he gives me a kiss then walks in I go upstairs to my room with Henry following

Jordan:happy birthday my love
Henry:thx princess I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick

He goes to the bathroom and I sit on my chair I have in my room and start thinking about random stuff then Henry comes out and signals me to get up I get up he sits down then he Pat's his leg telling me to sit down so I sit down on his lap

Henry:what's on your mind
Henry:you sure
Jordan:yes now come on we have to go

We get up and go downstairs we go to my car

Henry:can I drive
Jordan:sure here

I throw him the keys we get in the car he starts driving he puts his hand on my thigh and I smile then he looks at me

Henry:babe are you wearing my hoodie
Henry:where did you get it
Jordan:your closet
Henry:omg I love you
Jordan:I love you too

Skip to later it's already 6 we stopped at my house

Jordan:we need to switch place so I can drive
Jordan:it's a surprise
Henry:ok fine

We switch places and I give him a blindfold

Jordan:put that on
Jordan:and kept it on at all time
Henry:got it

He puts it on then I drive to the mayor's office I get out the car and I get Henry out the car

Henry:can I take my blind fold off
Jordan:no wiat a bit

We go inside and to the room where the surprise party

Jordan:take the blind fold off

He takes it off

Henry:where are we
Jordan:I'll tell you in a few just open the door

He opens the door and it's all black then people jump out


They all come and hug Henry his mom dad sister friends then he comes over to me

Henry:you did all this
Henry:ok so now will you tell me where we are
Jordan:mayors office
Jordan:told you I would go all out
Henry:see this is why I love you

I smile he kisses my forehead
We all just hang out at the party then all go home

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