chapter 16

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It's the next day (November 30th)
You and Charlotte got tickets for you Henry Charlotte jasper schwaz and ray to go to a haunted house today is that last day open because tomorrow is December Christmas starts and you guys just walked in the man cave and se everyone but gooch he quit to send time with family

Charlotte:all of us are going to a haunted house tonight
Everyone but your dad:I'm in
Ray:no I'm not going
Jordan:come on dad please
Jordan:fine but remember when I was little you said you would do anything for me till you die
Jordan:well I guess that's not true
Ray:fine I'll go
Jordan:Yayy I knew that would work

Skip to when your there
You guys  walk in and start exploring then a jump scare happens Jasper jumps on Charlotte ray jumps on schwaz and Henry jumps on you your caring Henry like a baby Schwaz puts ray down Charlotte does the same with jasper you kiss Henry's cheek then put him down then another jump scare happens your dad jumps on you Henry jumps on schwaz and jasper jumps on Charlotte you all put them down

Charlotte:how come I keep getting stuck with jasper
Schwaz:and vhy are you guys scared
Henry:we are not
Charlotte:I bet if me Jordan and schwaz go our own way with out you guys you guys would stay in here for an hour
Jasper:no we wont
Jordan:ok then it's a bet you guys owe us $100 each dad you give $100 to schwaz Henry you give me $100 and jasper you give Charlotte $100 and if you guys win we give you guys $100 deal
Jordan:ok come on Charlotte and schwaz let's go

Boys POV

Jasper:ok so what do we do
Ray:we just have to complete this then were out
Henry:that's easy ok we can do this

Back to you

Jordan:this is gonna be so easy
Schwaz:easy money

Skip to you guys finish

Jordan:we made it know we wait for the boys
Charlotte:ok this might be a while

Boys POV

We've gotten scared so many time that we had to stop all those times

Jasper:we almost done
Henry:no jasper no
Ray:ugh they probaly won already
Henry:we just lost $100
Jasper:sad but let's finish this

Back to you

Its been an hour since we came out

Jordan:I'm gonna find them be back

I walk back in through where you come out this place has 25 scares and I find the body at the 10th we left them at the 2nd I walk up to them

Jordan:omg hurry up your only on the 10th let's go come on Henry hold my hand

You say taking out your right hand and he holds it

Jordan:dad hold my left hand and jasper just follow us

I dragged them out we get to Charlotte and schwaz

Jordan:they were at the 10th one
Charlotte:pay up

The give us our money and we head back to the man cave
Skip to when your there you schwaz and Charlotte walk in there so happy holding your $100

Ray:ok stop that
Jordan:dont be mad you guys lost the bet
Jasper:yeah sure
Charlotte:its true we were standing there for an hour waiting for you guys then Jordan had to go get you guys
Henry:theres something's were better at
Jordan:oh yeah like what
Ray:doge ball
Jordan:oh dont get me started with doge ball
Jasper:me ray and Henry vs Charlotte Jordan and schwaz
Charlotte:not fair Henry has hyper-motility
Henry:so you scared you gonna lose
Jordan:let's go to the doge ball place

You guys go to the dogs ball place
You Charlotte and schwaz are blue team Henry ray and jasper are red team tye game starts off Ray takes Charlotte out then you take ray out jasper takes schwaz out so you take jasper out now it's you and Henry, Henry throws a ball you catch it

Jordan:you only have 2 more lives ha
Henry:so you cant even hit me
Jordan:watch me

You grave a ball throw it at him and one hit Henry then he throws a ball at you but you do a back flip so it wont hit you he throws another one and you use a ball to block it then you through one at him it hits him he does the same it hits you,you through another one it hits him you guys win

Jordan:we won yess

You Charlotte and Schwaz start celebrating

Jordan: I thought you guys were better
Henry:we were
Jordan:ofc you guys were

You guys get in the car and go back to the man cave

Jordan:hey Charlotte wanna watch (what ever you wanna watch)

You guys start watching it

Charlotte:(character from the show) is so cute
Jordan:he might be cute but (another character from the show) is cuter like his smile bro

Then Henry turns and looks at you

Henry:h-how is he so cute
Jordan:your jealous

Then your phone buzzes it's your dad

Ray:he wont confess
Jordan:he will

Then you put your phone away

Henry:I am not jealous
Jordan:keep telling yourself that henry:what makes you think I'm jealous
Jordan:how is he so cute

You say mocking him

Henry:I didnt say that
Jordan:oh then I guess it was Casper the ghost 
Henry:ok so what if I'm a little jealous

You look at your dad he pulls out his wallet and gives you $20

Jordan:dont be
Charlotte:yeah hes (what ever age the person Jordan says is cute) years old
Jordan:see and your cute too your smile amazing I dont even know the actual guy what if he looks cute but is an ass and I know you tho
Henry:ok fine

He comes and lays on you he hugs you and you play with his hair

Charlotte:but he is cute
Jordan:told ya
Henry:hey I'm right here

You give him a kiss on his head

Jasper:so whens the wedding
Jordan:were not getting married
Henry:YET were not getting married yet
Jordan:even if we were your not invited

You guys keep watching the show Henry's still on you when theres an emergency call
You dad checks it

Ray:its Jeff he stole some money and we need to stop him
Jordan:you two got this I don't want to go
Henry:fine come on ray

They blow there bubble and head to schwaz skip to 5 minutes they aren't back so you decided to go as your normal self your outside the store listing

Ray:what if we were fighting a real criminal
Jeff:hey I am a real criminal
Henry:yeah a real STUPID one

You walk in

Jordan:hey dont talk to Jeff like that come on Jeff dont waste your time here
Jeff:your right

Jeff leaves the store

Henry:what they heck Jordan
Jordan:let's just say your blasters aren't charged dad you forgot to charge them
Ray:oh yeah

They change back and you all go back to the man cave but you an Henry go home

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