chapter 11

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It's been a month you have gotten super close to Henry and his family and today your going ove rto talk to them
Skip to when your there you knock and piper answers you walk in and she closes the door and sits in the0 couch with her parents Henry isnt home he's at work

Jordan:this pass month we have gotten super close so I need to tell you guys something
Mr.hart:what is it
Jordan:I'm in a gang
Mrs.hart:a gang omg
Jordan:but listen to me we dont hurt or harm anyone we are good people we protect people we care about like I care about you guys so if your in danger they will help me protect you guys they are really Good people there no wher near bad were not really a gang we are like family when we dont have no one else if you want me to leave I understand
Mr.hart:well we are glad you told us
Mrs.hart:yes and we still love you so dont leave because you have helped us through alot

You guys all hug then you leave and go junk n stuff and head to the man cave when you get there you see everyone on the couch

Jordan:sup my friends and father

Then you get a call
Call starts

Jug:hey jordan I need your help
Jug:the wolfs they want me to go to a place of him and his gang today later on
Jordan:I'm going I might bring a friend tho
Jug:ok meet us at my house
Jordan:for sure bye

You hang up (the wolfs is the baddest gang they killed one of your serpents named Isiah the group is made out of 20 people but your is mad about of 30 but they dont know that)

Ray:who was that
Jordan:my serpents need me
Gooch:why what happened
Jordan:Jughead is invited to meet up with the wolf's and I need to go
Schwaz:why what's so bad about the wolf's
Jordan:their the baddest gang they even killed one of our own Isiah and it's too dangerous for jug to go alone so they are gonna think he came alone but then the rest of us are gonna show up and theres 30 of us and they have 20 well I need to go
Henry:wait you said you might bring a friend who's that friend
Jordan:you now let's go boy they are super far in Iowa we need to let's go

Skip to when you and Henry get there you guys took a airplane there and you have two motorcycle and you guys didnt take no luggage now you guys are at the motorcycle place

Jordan:hen do you know how to drive a motorcycle
Jordan:good your gonna drive this one

You point at one of the motorcycle
Skip to when your at jugs you walk in and see the serpents you all hug then you see Fp and jelly bean you hug fp then jelly bean
Then talk about your plan
Skip when you guys are at the place where the wolfs wanted to meet jug your all outside while jug goes in and your listening to the conversation

Wolf 1:Jarold
Wolf 2:Jackson
Wolf 3:Ross
Wolf 4:Joey
Wolf 5:jo

Joey:you actually came
Jug:yeah why wouldnt I
Ross:maybe because we killed one of your own Isiah
Jug:so I'm still gonna come
Jackson:your stupid for coming alone it's you against my team
Jug:who said I came alone

All the serpents go in even Henry but you stay out side then you walk in and stand by jug

Jarold:y-y-your m-m-m
You Henry and the serpents:Mad dog
Jordan:I know who I am so what do you guys need with my serpents
Jordan:ok listen here you wolfs dont act all tuff when your not if your all tuff then stop stuttering oh and one more thing if you ever want to deal with my serpents you have to deal with me first let's go

You all walk out you and Henry say your goodbye and get on the plane back to swellview skip to when you guys are back at swellview and at the man cave

Jordan:I'm back
Henry:I am too
Charlotte:Yayy because there boring
Jordan:I know Right
Jordan:Not if it's the truth

Then you get a phone call it's your annoying friend gaby
Call starts

Gaby:gues what just happened
Gaby:she chose him over me
Jordan:oh no tell me all about it

You put your phone on airplane mode then turn it off

Henry:why would you do that
Jordan:that's what I do instead of hanging up because on there side it says recconcting then it hangs up
Jordan:I know I've done it on you
Ray:what when
Jordan:when you and vanessa started dating and you called me to tell me about her

Then you get another phone call
Its piper
Call stars:

Piper:billy ask me to be his gf
Jordan:no he didnt
Piepr:yes he did
Jordan:Omg I'm coming over right now

You hang up then get a call from Henry's mom

Mrs.hart:hi jordan we will love it to ahvw you over for dinner
Jordan:sure il be there thx

She hangs up and you get another call
Its Henry's dad

Jordan:hi what's up
Mr.hart:this is to much to ask but later on at 8 may you take me to the airport
Jordan:sure and its no worry
Mr.Hart:thank you

You hang up and start going to the elevator

Jordan:I'm going to Henry's house bye
Henry:I'm coming

Skip to when your at Henry house you gusy walk in and go to everyone in the kitchen

Jordan:I'm here my second family
Mrs.hart:since were your second call me mom or momma
Mr.hart:and me dad or papas
Mr.hart:jordan I need to be at the airport rn my flight is apparently in an hour
Jordan:sure lets go

Skip to later you dropped him off at the airport you stayed for dinner and talked to piper about her new bf Billy your at your house watching Netflix

Henry's POV

I'm in the living room with my mom and piper watching TV

Henry:alright I'm going to bed

I get up and start walking to my room upstairs

Piper:wait henry me and mom wanna ask you something
Henry:what's sup
Mrs.hart:when are you gonna ask Jordan to he your gf
Piper:we know you like her Henry just ask her out

You all go to sleep

A/n:were getting close to Henry asking us

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