chapter 44

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A/n:there are about 7 chapters left before the story ends and I make a new one about Mace Coronel

Let's skip to the next day its 6:50 PM me and Henry are cuddling

Henry:what time is it
Henry:I gotta go
Jordan:where to
Henry:home piper is having this dinner us and Bilisks
Jordan:why them
Henry:her bf is a Bilisk
Jordan:oh makes sence
Henry:oh I know but my plus one
Jordan:I dont know if I should
Henry:pls babe please for me princess please
Jordan:ok fine let's go

We get up we get in my car and drive to Henry's house we walk in and see his mom dad and sister we walk over to them

Piper:Jordan what are you doing here
Jordan:Henry wanted me to come as a plus 1
Piper:oh ok

Then theres a knock

Piper:I got it

She runs over and opens the door to reveal the Bilisks

Piper:come in

They walk in

Billy:hi babe
Piper:hey handsome

They kiss me and Henry then turn around fake gag then turn to everyone but we didnt know we both did it at the same time

Mitch:well hello pretty lady
Jordan:omg mitch we've been ove this you're not my type
Mitch:what ever you say

Then they sit on the couch and I go to the kitchen with piper and listen in on there conversation

Mrs.biliski:ever been to jail
Mrs.biliski:my husbands in jail so is my daughter they share a cell

She gets in his face

Mrs.biliski:what you say to me

I walk over

Jordan:he said cozy so back off babe let's go to the kitchen with piper
Henry:good idea

Me and Henry go to the kitchen with her

Henry:you had to date a Bilisks
Piper:yes and Jordan told me to go for it
Jordan:you didnt mention he was a Bilisks
Piper:it doesn't matter I'm happy
Piepr:time to eat

We all sit down and eat after dinner were all in the living room

Mrs.biliski:so Jordan are you single
Jordan:No I'm happily taken
Mrs.biliski:well break up with them and date my son mitch
Jordan:no hes not my type
Mrs.biliski:what's your type then
Jordan:Henry's my type
Mrs.biliski:why him
Jordna:cause hes my bf
Mrs.biliski:well mitch would be an upgrade
Mrs.hart:more like a down grade
Mrs.biliski:jordna and mitch would be the best couple ever
Mrs.hart:no actually Henry and Jordan are perfect for eachother they said I love you in the first month of dating
Jordna:and I would never say Iove you to mitch
Mrs.hart:henry and Jordan have a ship name what's your guys ship name
Mrs.hart:they also have the same reaction

Me and Henry look at her then eachother then back at her

Jordan&Henry:we do?
Mrs.hart:yes just right now and when Billy said hey babe piper said hey handsome then they kissed you both turned around fake gagged then turned back around at the Same time
Jordan:I guess we go
Mrs.hart:no one can beat their relationship
Mrs.biliski:I guess your right
Mrs.hart:no dont guess I know I'm right

The rest of the night we hang out then all go home

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