chapter 48

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Its been a while since Henry got back hes kid danger again anways today is a new day I wake up to tydus whispering


I look and see me and Henry are cuddling

Jordan:what happend baby
Tydus:mommy I'm hungry
Jordan:ok meet me downstairs

He runs away I get up slowly trying to not wake Henry up then I succeed I kiss Henry on the cheek and walk out I go downstairs and see tydus waiting for me

Tydus:mom wheres dad
Jordan:sleeping buddy but what do you want to eat
Jordan:chocolate chip ones
Tydus:yes with bacon (or eggs I prefer bacon)
Jordan:you got it

I start making the food then I serve my self and tydus some

Jordan:what do you want to drink
Tydus:chocolate milk

I serve hik chocolate milk and my self coffee i give it to him Then I sit down next to him and start eating

Henry's POV
I wake up and see Jordans not here witch is weird because she's always here so i just start thinking i can't believe I'm gonna ask jordan to marry me so I text ray

Henry:ray can you take care of tydus
Ray:sure why
Henry:I'm gonna ask Jordan to marry me
Ray:ok do you have everything
Henry:yeah gtg bye

End of text
I get up and head downstairs

Back to you
Me and tydus are eating when I feel arms around my waist I see its Henry we kiss

Jordan:morning babe
Henry:morning princess morning buddy
Tydus:morning dad

Henry serves himself and sits next down to us we keep eating

Henry:princess today me and you are spending the day together
Jordan:what about tydus
Henry:hes staying with ray

We get ready then drop tydus off Henry's driving and he out his hand on my thigh

Jordan:so where we going
Henry:to get boba

We get to boba

Cashier:what can I get for you guys
Henry:hi can I get a passion fruit
Chasier:yes what about you ma'am
Jordan:can I get a mango one(or something else)
Chashier:can I get a name for those orders
Henry:yeah um Hen-
Chasier:ok they will be out on a few

We walk away

Jordan:so I'm gonna pay
Henry:no your not I am and thats final
Jordan:sure let's just see who gets to the drinks first
Henry:its on

Then after 5 minutes


Me and Henry look at eachother then run to the drinks but Henry gets there first he lays $10 (idk)then we get in the car we just ride around for awhile till get to a place we get out the car

Jordan:where are we
Henry:were gonna take a helicopter to the swellview sign

Skip to the swellview sign

Henry though
Omg its almost time I'm so nervous
End of thoughts

Me and Henry are just looking at swellview

Henry:hey princess

He gets on one knee and pulls out a box he opens it

Henry:like I said in the car when I asked you to be my gf again I want to start a family with you and grow old so Jordan manchester will you marry me

He puts the ring on me and we kiss he hugs me then we go back to the man cave to pick up tydus

Henry:she said yes

I show him the ring


Then we go home and we tuck tydus in to bed

Tydus:mommy daddy
Henry:yes buddy
Tydus:are you guys getting married
Jordan:we are
Henry:and we want to ask you something
Henry:would you like to be our ring bear
Tydus:what's that
Jordan:its where someone holds pur rings
Jordan:ok well good night baby
Henry:good night bud
Tydus:good night mommy and daddy

We walk out at go to sleep
This is the ring

We walk out at go to sleep This is the ring

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