chapter 12

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Henry's POV
I wake up get dressed grave my back pack and head down stairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast I get down stairs and put my back pack at the door then go to the kitchen where my mom and piper are at

Henry:Guess what

Henry:I'm gonna try and ask jordna to be my gf
Mom:yayy this is the girl we only like I mean shes super sweet and kind she cares about me well every gurl you ask cares about me but they never care about your father or piper an Jordan does
Henry:ok mom

Back to you
It's the next morning you wake up another day of boring school but Tomorrow is saturday get dressed eat an orange and take another one then get in the car
And go pick up Henry and Charlotte
Skip to when you pick them

Jordan:hey hen
Jordan:do me a favor
Henry:sure what is it
Jordan:peel this orange

He peels it and gives it to you

Henry:where do I put the trash
Jordan:in this bag

You hand him a bag he puts the trash in there then you give him and Charlotte a peace of your orange

Charlotte:why do you have a bag in your car
Jordan:I put my trash there and because I'm going a road trip tomorrow
Henry:where you going
Jordan:to pick up food for goochs plant 3 hours away
Jordan:yep normally he comes with me but he cant come because hes busy
Henry:I'll come with you

Skip to when you guys are at school your in history Ms.shapens class

Ms.shapen:Jordan come hand these out

You go up and give everyone a paper

Jordan:no problem hey ms.shapen
Jordan:can we talk in the hall quickly

You guys go to the hall way and talk
Then go back and act like nothing happened
Skip to lunch
You werent there

Henry's POV
Me Charlotte and jasper are eating lunch

Charlotte:wheres jordan
Henry:idk but I have to tell you guys something
Jasper:what is it
Henry:I'm gonna try and ask jordan to be my gf
Charlotte:good for you man
Henry:jasper later on around 7 text Jordan to meet me at the park

Skip to later in the day you didnt show up at lunch but showed up to the classes you took them home and your in your bed its 7 but you didnt get a text from jasper so you never show up

A/n:poor henry but like its jaspers fault

Will Henry ever ask you to be his gf?
Will you say yes?or will you say no?
You go to wait for the next chapter

Umm bye see yall in the next chapter:)

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