chapter 7

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It's the next day Tuesday you wake up to a phone call from piper
Call starts:

Piper:jordan I have a problem and i told my dad about it but he had to go to work and my mom is getting ready for work
Jordan:what about Henry
Piper:Henry is just being sarcastic with me and won't listen can you plz help me
Jordan:sure I'm coming over in 5
Piper:ok thx bye

You hang up you get dressed in to leggings a shirt a hoodie and some shoes then you eat breakfast you grave your bag pack then get in your car and drive to Henry's house
Skip to when you get there
You knock and piper answers

Piper:good your here come in

You walk in and sit on the couch
Then a lady walks in the living room

Lady:who are you
Piper:mom this is Jordan
Lady:hi jordan I'm pipers mom mrs.hart how do you guys know eachother you look alot older
Jordan:well I'm 16 and I'm Henry's friend and co-worker his boss is my dad I just got back in town and I meet Henry we became friends and I meet piper and shes is gonna tell me about her problem
Mrs.hart:are you the Jordan who made her the leader of the man fans
Jordan:yes I am
Mrs.hart:well thx she was supper happy may I hug you

She hugs you then stops when she stops Henry comes down from upstairs


Then he sees you

Henry:oh hey Jordan what are you doing here
Piper:shes here to listen to my problem since you are being sarcastic
Henry:well sorry idc what your friend did to you
Piper:well Jordan does so Jordan what happened was my friend stacy posted a photo of us that I didnt like and told her not to post and guess what she posted it and tagged me in it and I texted her why she posted it and she said because she looked good
Jordan:yeah I hate when that happens ok so what your gonna do is do you have a photo with this stacy girl that you look good in but she looks horrible and she told you not to post
Piper:yes why
Jordan:well post it and tag her a taste of her own medicine then when she text you and says why did you post it say because I look good in it
Piper:thx Jordan
Jordan:no problem
Mrs.hart:piper henry let's go I'm already late
Henry:mom I'm going with Jordan from now on
Mrs.hart:ok umm piper let's go
Jordan:mrs.hart if your late already just go I'll take her I dont mind
Mrs.hart:thank you Jordan your such a kind girl
Jordan:no problem if you ever need anything call me here's my number

You give her your number then she leaves to work

Jordan:she thinks I'm kind
Henry:yeah and
Jordan:im the opposite
Henry:anways really I dont want to ride with piper
Jordan:boy calm down it's only for today and I have to ride with you

Then piper comes up to you

Piper:jordan it worked
Jordan:yes see I told you

She hugs you and you hug her back then she leaves then your dad calls you put him on speaker
Calls starts:

Jordan:what dad
Ray:where are you and what are you doing
Jordan:I'm at Henry's helping his little sister and I'm taking them to school why
Ray:idk just asking hey Henry
Henry:hi ray
Ray:how long till school starts
Henry:35 more minutes why
Jordan:because hes bored and we are his only friends go hang with schwaz or gooch
Ray:they're boring
Jordan:so are you bye

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