chapter 43

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Let's skip to June were on graduation week me Henry Charlotte And jasper graduate on Friday witch is also the last day of school anways schools over Henry and Charlotte are over reacting because I don't want to go to college so me Henry Charlotte and jasper go to the man cave we walk in and se emy dad on the U couch and schwaz is cleaning gadgets we all throw our backpacks by the elevator

Henry:ray can you tell jordan shes insane
Ray:what did she do now
Charlotte:today at school we were asked if we want to go to college and if we do start applying anways after class us 4 meet up at Henry's locker and we all said we were going to college
Ray:let me guess jordan said she isnt gonna go
Ray:jordan you are not insane

I walk over and fist bump him then sit in the monitors chair

Jordan:you guys are over reacting
Charlotte:no you and ray are
Henry:ray your her dad your supposed to tell her to go to college
Ray:but if she doesn't want to go she doesn't have to
Jordan:thank you
Ray:also me and Jordan have a deal
Charlotte:what deal
Ray:ever since she was little she said she didnt want to go to college she wants to be the next captain man witch in her case is spark danger then while time goes on when she was 13 we made a deal she doenst have to go to college if she gonna be the next captain man but if shes not gonna be the next captain man she has to go to college
Jordan:and I'm sticking with that deal
Jasper:guys help

We turn and see a book is on fire

Ray:fire extinguisher
Schwaz:we dont have one
Henry:jordan powers

With my manipulating water I make a fire truck and take it to jasper then I drop the fire truck and water goes all over the book causing the fire to go out

Jordan:jasper what did we talk about
Japser:no more causing or starting fires
Jordan:exactly and what did you do
Jasper:start a fire
Jordan:exactly you never listen
Jasper:you really wanna do this ok then,Jordan you ruin everything you touch
Jordan:oh yeah
Jordan:then I must have touched your face cause that's pretty ruined

Then Henry comes up to us

Henry:ok you two say your sorry
Jasper:im sorry

Then Henry goes to sit on the U couch

Jordan:sike I'm not sorry
Jordan:shut it anways here dad

I pull out a ticket and hand it to him

Henry:what's that for
Jordan:graduation tickets to let them in here schwaz

I pull out another one and give it to him

Charlotte:schwaz is going to
Jordan:heck yeah hes my blasty blaster buddy
Henry:where did you get those tickets
Jordan:school you had to pay but unfortunately the tickets are all sold
Henry:I haven't gotten my tickets
Jasper:my parents aren't going so I didnt need to
Jordan:see I knew Henry and Charlotte would forget so here

I pull out tickets I give one to Charlotte for her mom and three to Henry for his parents and sister

Henry:life saver
Jordan:I know but you know what I just noticed
Jordan:I can end the Manchester blood line
Ray:what do you mean
Jordan:well your grandparents had siblings but their siblings just didn't have kids anways your grandparents did have kids your parents but they didnt have siblings then they had you and you have no siblings then you had me I have no siblings so if I don't get married and have kids by the time I die the Manchester blood line is over
Ray:omg your right Henry you better marry her cause i am not trying to have this blood line end
Henry:ok ray I will marry her dont worry

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