Mission Impossible

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    They had one job. Keep their relationship a secret. But of course, Lisa couldn't keep her eyes off of Rosé. She was too beautiful for her own good. Her beautiful pink locks. Her outfit, damn her outfit. She looked so damn good. It hugged her in all the right places. "Lisa!" Jennie whisper yelled. It almost brought her out of her "Roseanne" Trance. "Hmm?" the girl hummed. "You're staring!" Jisoo whisper yelled. Lisa immediately was brought back to where she was. About to leave to go to the Inkigayo show. "It's okay Lali, no one can see you staring at me anyway." Lisa felt the aussie whisper against her ear.

    Chaeyoung was having a mental fight with herself. She knew they were in the car but she didn't know where paparazzi could be. She had one problem, she wanted to kiss Lisa's nose. They had shades,windows you couldn't see through and more to block out paparazzi, she couldn't help but be worried. All of her worries were diminished to see Jensoo basically on top of each other and with Jennie's beret somewhere on the car floor. "Chaeyoung-ah" Lisa softly whispered. As Roseanne turned her head she was met with soft lips. The two made a song that was only made for them. "Hey you four!" their driver yelled. This startled all of them. "Put yourselves back together and get ready for the cameras."

Lisa was laying her head on Rosie's lap as the older girl fiddled with her hair. "Rosie?" Lisa softly said. "Yeah Lali?" Rosie replied in the same manner. "I want to tell them." this left Rosé confused; tell who and tell who what? "Tell them what? About us?" Rosie breathed. Lisa let out an airy giggle. "Yes, I can't hide my love for you anymore." Lisa whimpered. She saw the aussie's cheeks border on red and pink. "O-okay, I love you." Lisa's heart melts a little bit every time she says those 3 words. "I love you too Rosie." Lisa sighed.

    Roseanne was in a trance watching Lisa helping Jisoo with the dance. "You have got to stop being so obvious." Jennie said. Roseanne whipped her head to the girl next to her. "Well we are going to be very very obvious soon." Lisa said walking up to the pair. "You're not actually going to be telling them...right?" Jisoo questioned. "We are,Lisa cant hide it anymore." the aussie said poking Lisa's cheek while look at her unnies that were comfortably holding each other.

   The girls had just finished their pre-performance announcement and were rushing to the dance stage. Lisa always got nervous after these times,sure it was 4 years after they debuted but Lisa still had raging anxiety about performing. She was clearly uncomfortable and anxious so Chaeyoung grabbed her hand and squeezed just for extra measure. Lisa looked up and rested her head on her shoulder. "Hey! Chaelisa?! We have to start!" Jennie basically yelled over her shoulder.

Roseanne sighed with tiredness as she made her way to her girlfriend after performing. They clung together like if they let go they would die. Lisa led Rosie to a secluded area that she found by accident in 2017. The two sat on the couch together cuddling up and nearly falling asleep. "So how are we gonna do this?" Lisa said to the sleepy girl next to her. "I don't know, when should we do it?" the girl responded. "During the interview,they always ask about relationships. I would also love to see Jisoo and Jennie rush for excuses." Lisa laughed.

"So Blackpink, do any of you have a current love life?" was the first question out of the interviewers mouth. Lisa and Rosie were shocked, they thought the question would be in there but nothing first. "Lisa? Do you have a love life currently?" the thai panicked, the interviewer was looking at her with snarky eyes, as if he would ask her out if she said no. "I actually have a girlfriend." said the short haired girl. "Who is this mystery girl?" was the response. "Park Chaeyoung."

Everyone's eyes went wide. Lisa pulled her eyes from the MC to Roseanne, she knew she wouldn't be able to tear her eyes away. "Rosé how about you?" the MC asked completely oblivious to Lisa's answer thinking he would have a chance with both of them. "My girlfriend? The girl who's staring at me is my girlfriend." the blonde said. "Jisoo? Jennie?" the MC moved on. "She's my girlfriend." the two said in sync pointing to each other. The four girls became flustered and embarrassed when they realized they had to keep going.

Rosé's eyes were blinded by the flashes of the paparazzi's cameras. Questions were flying at them left and right. She ran into the car,waiting for Lisa. The aussie didn't know how to react. She was so happy that they weren't a secret but she missed having secret adventures with the thai already.
"You okay? Is it okay that we did that? What if we just tell them that it was all a bad jo-" the girl was cut off with the blonde's lips meeting her own. "Hey lovebirds!" Jisoo shouted to them. "Close your door!"

   "Rosie! Rosie! Rosie!" Lisa chanted on said girl's back as they walked into the door. "Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!" the blonde chanted back. Lisa pulled the girl into her lap, "I love you Rosie!". The aussie giggled, "I love you too!" she said in a singsongy voice. They quickly fell asleep just from being tired from performing. Lisa leaned down to kiss Rosie's forehead,"I'm so proud of you." "I'm more proud of you, you told everyone about us and you looked so happy, I love you Lali." a sleepy Roseanne said back.

   "LOVEBIRDS!! HURRY UP!" Jennie yelled at the sleeping couple. "Jesus christ Jennie what the- ROSIE!" Lisa yelled. Rosie was pulled to the window just to see a truck that said "Dispatch 급파" on it. Chaeyoung's heart nearly stopped. She knew the history of Jennie and Dispatch. The couple hoped that dispatch was here for them and not Jennie. Chaeyoung pulled Lisa out of their dorm to see if they were her for them and not Jendeukie. "They're not here for us guys." the pair said sadly. "You got this Jennie mandu, we'll go together." Jisoo says sympathetically.

Sorry for the bit of sadness at the end. But Dispatch actually needs to leave Jennie alone. 제니 사랑해

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