Reveals and Proposals

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        "Merry Christmas Rosie!" Lisa squealed as she jumped onto the couch next to the blonde who was carefully wrapping Jennie's present. Roseanne giggled before she placed the half wrapped box down on the coffee table and cuddled into Lisa's embrace. "Do you know when the unnies are coming Lili?" Rosé asked quietly into Lisa's neck. The brunette shook her head before she placed a kiss on Roseanne's cheek. Just as they repositioned themselves to be in a comfortable position Lisa's doorbell rang signaling that their unnie's had successfully arrived in a suspicious fashion due to covering up their secret relationships.

Roseanne hurriedly scooped up Jennie and Jisoo's gifts and carried them and the wrapping paper over to Lisa's bedroom, locking the door behind her. "Where's your girlfriend running off to?" Jisoo asked as she plopped down next to Lisa. The brunette giggled as she watched Jennie pout and ask for Jisoo to move so she could sit on her lap. "Hey guys I didn't know you were here!" Rosé said as she sauntered back into the living room placing the presents under her and Lisa's pink christmas tree. "We saw you run into Lisa's room but nice try Rosie Posie."

The four girls were seated at Lisa's dining room table. Jennie and Rosé watched in envy as Lisa and Jisoo exchanged kind words to each other. They knew they shouldn't be jealous. It's christmas! Plus friends are allowed to talk to each other. But they couldn't stop themselves as they watched the two giggle and play with each other. Quickly the blonde cut herself out of it and quietly left the table and retreated to the bedroom. "Fuck these stupid pregnancy hormones." she said as she felt tears form in her eyes. She carefully slid down the door and cried.

"Hey Lisa, where'd your girlfriend go?" Jennie asked cutting Lisa and Jisoo's conversation short. The pair had been to engrossed in whatever they were talking about to notice the girl had left. "I don't know?" Lisa said as her eyes trailed to her closed bedroom door. She quietly got up from the table and walked over before knocking softy. "I'm coming in Rosie." she whispered before opening the door. The sight she was met with was not one she expected. The blonde was sobbing and her eyes bloodshot. "Oh Rosie, what happened?" Lisa asked before Rosie scrambled into her arms.

After the teary explanation and the small outburst of seething anger and jealousy the two left the room and returned to their friends. "What's up Rosie?" Jennie asked as she grasped the australian's hand from across the table. The smaller brunette smirked before it faded as Roseanne pulled her hand away and snuggled back into Lisa. Jennie didn't want to admit it, but she was a little hurt about that. The blonde never did that unless she was mad at her, but the girl wasn't mad at her, she couldn't be...right? Jennie quietly excused herself and left for water.

"You're not angry with me right?" Jennie asked as she watched Rosé walk into the kitchen. The girl scoffed in response. "Why would I be mad at you?" she said. Jennie scanned her face for any sign lying. Luckily, she didn't find any. "No reason! I'm gonna go sit with the girls now." she smiled. Roseanne awkwardly waved as she left and continued putting together her surprise for Lisa. In her peripheral vision she watched her black haired friend walk into the kitchen. "You're gonna tell her tonight?" Jisoo asked quietly. Roseanne nodded as her unnie's arms wrapped around her.

       "Time for presents!" Lisa shouted as she slid into the kitchen. The brunette noticed Jisoo and her girlfriend hiding something. She shrugged it off and watched the blonde tuck something in her pocket before looping her arm with her own and guided them to the tree. "Fuck yeah!" Jennie cheered after she unwrapped her gift from Lisa. The brunette had gotten her a new apple watch,because yes she's rich like that. "Oh my god thank you Rosie!" Jisoo cheered as she unwrapped her new fryer. The couple got it because of Jisoo's overwhelming love for the fried chicken delicacy.

"Lis, can you come with me?" Rosé said as she stood up and put her hand out for the girl. Lisa looked at her with a glint of fear before taking it. Roseanne excused themselves and guided Lisa to her-well their room. "I've been waiting to see if it would work, but um remember that DNA thing we tried awhile ago?" the blonde asked nervously. Lisa instinctively grabbed Roseanne's hand and nodded. "It worked. I'm pregnant Lisa." the australian confessed. Lisa gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She couldn't hold herself back from kissing her pregnant girlfriend.

"I'm gonna be a fucking mom!" Lisa yelled as she entangled her arms around Rosé's waist. The blonde immediately responded by wrapping her own around the brunette's neck. The two left the room in order to tell Jennie the news. Since Jisoo had went with Chaeyoung to see if the DNA method worked, and Lisa had just been informed. "Jennie unnie! We're gonna be parents before you guys!" Lisa teased as soon as they returned back to the living room. Jennie's eyes widened and she quickly stood up and hugged the pair and congratulating the girls while shooting Jisoo glares.

Lisa sighed. "Well now my gift doesn't feel as stupid." she said. Roseanne whipped her head to the girl who was now playing with a pink velvet box in her hand. "Hey Chu I think we should give them a moment." Jennie said getting up from her spot on the couch. Jisoo nodded and left the room as well. "Will you marry me? Little bean? Can your mommy marry your other mommy?" Lisa said to Rosé and their child. Chaeyoung let out a choked sob before she nodded and cupped Lisa's face bringing her into a kiss filled with tears.

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