Pizza,Nightmares and Kisses

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"Chaengie I want pizza." Lisa whined. Rosie giggled and handed the girl her phone knowing she couldn't say no to the brunette. "Order some garlic knots too!" Roseanne yelled over her shoulder as she sauntered to their room getting hungrier by the second. "Got it!" Lisa yelled before she quickly dialed the number of "치즈 pizza" and ordered their usual order: 1 cheese pie,1 pepperoni pie,2 orders of garlic knots,1 salad and 4 cookies. "What'd you order?" Chaeyoung asked taking her seat on the couch. "The usual." Lisa responded quickly taking her spot next to the girl.

    "Pizza!" Rosé said quickly running to pay the delivery man who was giving some not so welcome looks to Chaeyoung in Lisa's opinion. The blonde hastily opened the cheese pizza box nearly devouring her first piece. "What about these sad garlic knots?" Lisa asked pouting. Roseanne gasped and picked up two and added them to her plate. "At pears don't choke on them!" Lisa said as the blonde hungrily shoved them in her mouth. "I wish these garlic knots tasted as good as you do Lali." she said with her mouth full. That sentence immediately sending a blush to her cheeks.

"Rosie. Go to sleep." Lisa said as she chased the girl around their room. "I don't want to Lisa!" she shouted back. Finally the thai had caught up to the blonde and threw her in the bed,gentle enough that she wouldn't hurt her. Roseanne bounced up with a light giggle before calming down. "Uh oh." Rosie said as the thai have a nervous glance in her eyes. "I'm hungry again." she said as Lisa sighed and picked her up to carry her to the kitchen. "Pizza or garlic knots? Or both? It has been a few hours since dinner."

They sat on the couch with a Hallmark movie on in the background not really paying attention and devouring the pizza they heated up. "It's so much better when it's leftover pizza." Lisa said with her mouth full picking up a garlic knot in the process. Rosie hummed in agreement taking another bite of her slice. "Wanna watch something else?" Rosé asked as soon as she finished swallowing. Lisa nodded and took the remote and started flicking through channels. "Nothing scary please Lili" Rosie said before getting up to warm up more garlic knots. "You got it." Lisa shouted to her.

Lisa was passed out in her sleep while Rosie was quietly watching a scary movie that had turned on after the two's favorite show, Blue Bloods. The two really didn't understand the point of the American show but they watched it anyway. She jumped at the jump scares and squealed at some trying to muffle her screams from her fright. She quietly picked up the half-asleep girl on her back and carried them into the room. They did their hygiene routine and changed into their pajamas. Lisa gave Chaeyoung a quick kiss good night and fell asleep rather quickly.

     "Chaeyoung get out of this house." Roseanne heard her grandmother say. "How dare you like the same gender!" she yelled. "Don't even think about coming back here." the woman added. "Find yourself a man and marry him instead of a girl like Lisa. What about your friend, Chanyeol?" her cousin added to her grandmothers harsh words. They all stared at her waiting for an answer. "But I want to be with Lisa, why can't I?" she whispered softly. "BECAUSE IT IS A DISGRACE TO THE PARK FAMILY." her grandmother yelled at her bringing the girl to tears.

    "We warned you about coming out to my side of the family." her mother,Clare said as she tried consoling the girl that was harshly sobbing. They heard loud footsteps coming towards them, when they looked up it was Chanyeol. "Your grandparents said you wanted to see me." he said as the mentioned grandparents came forward with the rest of her family on her mom's side, all with smiles plastered on their faces. "Isn't he wonderful?" her grandmother asked gawking over how "amazing" Chanyeol was. "Hey Roseanne how about you come to my place for the night?" the man offered looking expectantly at her.

    "How about we get to the fun part?" the man said as he walked slowly to Chaeyoung. "W-What?" she stuttered. She didn't understand what he meant. "The part where I make you scream my name." he growled as he started walking faster. "I don't want to." she said as he started pulling her pants down anyway. "Who cares what the fuck you want you little slut." he growled as he kept going. "Get the fuck off of me." Chaeyoung cried. "You want this and you know you do." he continued.

     Roseanne woke up crying and screaming. "I don't want it, I don't want it!" she screamed. "Rosie?" Lisa said in her sleepy voice. "Lisa? Are you really there?" Roseanne sobbed. "Yes I am, do you want me to hold you?" the thai asked cautiously now fully alert of what was happening. Rosé had nightmares of her near-rape almost every month. Lisa wished she could just take away these memories and throw them in the garbage. Lisa immediately took the sobbing blonde in her arms and rubbed her back as she wiped her tears with a tissue.

     "He's not here right?" Rosé asked in a whine. "No, your safe. I'm right here." Lisa said as she tilted the girl's chin up to face her. In response Rosie snuggled her face into the crook of the younger girls neck. "Can I kiss you?" Lisa whispered lowly. Rosie giggled for the first time in the 3 hours that they had been sitting like that. "Yes you can." she said before Lisa cupped her face and kissed her lovingly. Roseanne sighed into the kiss quickly allowing Lisa's tongue entry. Lisa brought the girl close so she could straddle her hips.

       Rosie cupped Lisa's to bring her impossibly close to her. "Want some more pizza and watch a bed?" Lisa asked as she pulled away smiling. Roseanne smiled and nodded. "Come on get on my back!" Lisa said as she bent down for her. Lisa scrambled to the kitchen so she didn't have to stand for long. "Regular or pepperoni?" Lisa said as she placed the blonde on the counter. "Regular and a garlic knot." she responded proudly earning a laugh out of the raven haired girl. They made their way back into their room putting on Jisoo's drama Snowdrop and eating after giving each other one last kiss.

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