Don't Touch Her

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    Roseanne Park was the top student of YG High School. Her favorite subject was art and she spent most of her "me time" in the art room. She had a small group of friends that were in the middle. Some were popular some weren't. Like Jisoo,Yeji and Nayeon they were all pretty popular at school and then Irene,Sana and Lia weren't as popular. None of her friends came close to the popularity of Lisa Manoban. No one dared to get on her nerves. She was the student council president,head cheerleader and did the announcements every single day.

    "Hey Bob Ross!" a junior said, completely full of himself since he just got onto the school's football team is all Roseanne heard before she was pushed to the ground. "Ah shit." she muttered as she quickly picked up all her scattered books and paint supplies. After that, she checked to see if her clothes were dirty because of all the dirt, luckily they weren't but she only had 15 minutes to get to her next class, Algebra with the strictest teacher in all of YG. She dragged herself to her locker that was next to Jisoo's,startling the girl.

   "Jeez Rosie didn't know you were so pissed off today." Jisoo said leaning on her locker. Roseanne shrugged it off and continued putting books she didn't need in her locker and taking the ones she did need out. "Yeah well some dumbass senior pushed me so I'm kinda pissed off about that." she grunted as she re-locked her locker. Jisoo scoffed knowing how many times that happened to the girl and turned away. "Oh look here comes the the three head bitches of the school." Jisoo said bringing Roseanne out of the trance that she had been standing in.

    To her surprise, there they were. The three most popular girls in school. Head cheerleaders, Lisa Manoban,Jennie Kim and Seulgi Kang. Roseanne accidentally caught Lisa's eye as the long black-haired girl winked at her and continued walking forwards. The long black waves Roseanne longed to drive her fingers through,the soft pale skin she wished she could caress and just maybe do a little more than that. Her eyes followed the girl as she made her way to social studies with Mr.Kim, Roseanne silently wished her good luck on the stupid quiz she was going to take today.

     "Roseanne! The bell just rang we have to go to Algebra!" Jisoo said in a rather loud voice while waving her hand in front of the blonde's face. The girl quickly shook her head and dragged herself down the hall to room 423. Seeing as she was a top performing student in all her classes she never really tuned into the class conversations. "Pssst! Roseanne!" Irene whispered from behind her. The blonde ignored her and continued the sketch she was working on for the art gallery that night. She was almost done all she needed to do was shade & paint.

    "Pssst!" Irene pestered again finally causing her to turn around. The one time she wasn't socializing with her friend Ms.Jeong has to turn around. "Ms.Park anything to share with the class?" she asked causing all eyes to be on Roseanne. "N-no sorry Ms. Jeong." she apologized her face blazing from embarrassment. A note floated on to her desk that read "sorry :) - Irene" she smiled to herself before stuffing it in her cardigan's pocket. Soon enough the bell signaling 3rd period was over rang and Roseanne scrambled to get all of her stuff and quickly get out of the room.

    Luckily enough Roseanne only managed to get distracted by Lisa's beauty in art a total of 3 times. An all time record for the girl. Soon enough she was face to face with the black-haired girl's grey pleated skirt. "Park you alive?" Lisa's sweet voice said from above. With her mouth open to respond a girl she recognized from the other day who called her 'Paint splatter' come up and loop her arm into Lisa's. "You promised me you would help me stunt." she pouted. Lisa opened her mouth in protest when Roseanne smiled and told her it's ok.

     Lisa smiled in return and reluctantly left the room as Roseanne's eyes trailed behind her. "Ms.Park are you spending free period in here?" her art teacher, Mrs.Lee asked from behind her. She brought herself back to where she was and nodded with a smile before Mrs.Lee gave her a thumbs up and left her alone. When Roseanne looked back at her painting she realized all she needed was to finish up the little details in it and then she would be on her way to lunch facing another round of ridiculing for her being an "art nerd" by stupid juniors.

    Of course, she just had to bring her painting into the cafeteria to make sure she could get it to the gallery's venue in time. One problem: it wasn't dry yet. As she strolled slowly to her table where all her friends she heard "Hey Bob Ross! Catch!" before she braces for impact. Strangely, nothing hit her. Nothing happened. She sighed in relief before looking up at the hand that saved her. When she saw the pale skinny fingers wrapped around the apple she turned her head to see the owner of the hand was fuming with nothing but anger.

     Lisa pivoted to throw the apple into the garbage. As soon as her hand had come into contact with the apple the whole school's eyes were glued to the scene in the middle of the cafeteria. The girl's eyes caught sight of the beautiful painting Roseanne had made and she almost broke her exterior, instead she pulled her waist closer and placed a kiss on Roseanne's lips before saying "That is so gorgeous love." Roseanne froze up and was engulfed by blushing as Lisa took a second and smirked before reminding herself of what she was doing at the moment.

     "Who threw that at my precious girlfriend?" she said as she saw almost all the juniors gulp in fear. A small junior boy pointed at the group of wannabe football players and cheerleaders praying he didn't get beat up. "It was them." he said coyly as Lisa silently felt kinda bad for the kid. "Ok, Jungkook,Felix and Jimin I will be talking to the principal to figure out your terminated spots from the football team. Hyuna,Minnie and Tzuyu you will not be joining the cheer squad as long as I'm captain." she sneered pointing at every single person.

    "Disperse." she commanded. At that everyone's eyes diverted to their friends as the daily chatter of the cafeteria resumed. "Lisa..." Roseanne started watching the girl's face morph from confusion to regret. "Oh my god love I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Lisa said referring to how she just accidentally revealed the two's secret relationship. Roseanne giggled at her girlfriend's antics. "It's fine the only repercussions are that our friends are mad we didn't tell them first." Roseanne said as the two looked at their table where Jisoo and Jennie were ecstatically showing the couple thumb's up of official approval.

   "What do you say we spend these two free periods in the green house?" Lisa whispered in Roseanne's ear before pulling the girl to the stairwell. Lisa carefully but quickly placed Roseanne's painting on the table before pushing her against the brick wall. The two were quick to intwine their lips in a messy but slow kiss. The blonde was quick to leave a purple and blue painting behind Lisa's ear. "Does that happen often?" Lisa stuttered out trying her hardest for her question to not turn into a moan. Roseanne pulled away & nodded realizing what Lisa had referred to.

    "Why don't you come to me? I want to protect you." Lisa pouted before pulling the slightly shorter girl into her chest. Roseanne wrapped her arms around the girl in return. "I usually think I can handle it. You don't need to protect me." Roseanne said trying to bring down Lisa's guilt. Lisa refused her statement. "Hey. Look at me." Lisa said. The black-haired girl brought her chin up so she would look at her. "I'm going to protect you because you are my precious girlfriend who doesn't deserve any bullying." Lisa said in Roseanne's favorite soft aegayo voice.

     Roseanne giggled at her girlfriend's soft side. The side only she got to see. "You know Lisa, whenever people call you Commander it gets under my skin. But now that I've seen the commander in's kind of sexy." Roseanne said slyly as she watched a smirk make its way onto Lisa's face. She gasped as she was pushed harder against the wall. "Really?" Lisa asked in her deep husky voice, Roseanne's second favorite. "Really." she said with a snicker as Lisa tightened her grip on her waist as she leaned in to capture Roseanne's lips between her own.

  First au chapter of this book! Inspired by a one shot I saw a while ago that I just remembered! Should I do more au one-shots? Also please check out my other books: Jensoo One Shots, Would You Rather?~ A Chaelisa Story and Name On A Cup-Chaelisa. The Jensoo one-shot book is basically just Jensoo's pov of Chaelisa one-shots, Would You Rather is my first full Chaelisa story and I'm very excited about it and Name On A Cup is just a short story that I had inspiration to start! I'm going to be re-writing some chapters of this book (the first few!) so check those out too!

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