Putting Me Back Together

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        "What the fuck Jennie?!" Lisa yelled as she walked in her shared apartment with said girl. Jennie scrambled to cover herself with sheets as she pleaded with the brunette. "Lisa please! It's not what it looks like!" she cried as if the naked girl in her bed didn't exist. Who was the girl? Jisoo. Jennie's best friend. Truth was, Jisoo had no idea Lisa and Jennie were dating. "I'm sorry. I didn't know Lisa. She never told me you two were dating." Jisoo said guiltily. Lisa nodded before handing the girl her clothes so she could change before she left.

         "Fuck you." Lisa growled as she finally let her tears fall after hearing their door close. The brunette turned to go pack up her stuff and go to her best friend's place. "Lisa please! I'm sorry!" Jennie cried some more. Lisa shook her head before laughing bitterly. "You don't get to say sorry. We're done. I'll come back to get the rest of my stuff tomorrow. Goodbye Jennie." Lisa said seriously before she took her backpack filled with clothes and left the apartment. Leaving a screaming and crying mess in front of the door waiting for her to come back.

        Lisa sat in her car for a few minutes before she decided to get out and knock on her best friend's door. "Hey Lis what's up- oh my god what happened to you?" the blonde said as she opened the door. Lisa looked exhausted, a disheveled mess of a person. "It was that bitch Jennie. She was cheating on me this whole time Rosie." the brunette admitted. Warm tears trickled down Lisa's face as she said those words. The blonde across from her instinctively wrapped her arms around Lisa's neck and pulled her down into a loving and tight hug.

          It had been 3 hours since Lisa arrived at Roseanne's front door. Now she was cuddled up with Rosé as they watched the new episode of Penthouse. "Wanna order pizza? It's okay if your not hungry-" Rosie ranted nervously. Lisa chuckled before nodding and that's what sent the blonde off to get her phone and dialing the number of their favorite pizza place. "Rosie can I talk to you about something?" Lisa asked shyly as the girl sat back down. Roseanne turned to her and nodded before adjusting her position so she could look Lisa fully in her brown eyes.

       "If I'm being honest, I've had feelings for you for a while, I used Jennie to distract myself from it. I know I shouldn't have but it worked for a while. Then it didn't. So if you don't return those feelings it's perfectly fine." Lisa admitted shyly. The brunette rubbed her arm as she looked at the girl across from her anxiously. Chaeyoung scooted closer to her before she speedily pulled Lisa's lips to meet her own. The two kissed messily before Lisa lifted the girl into her lap. Which earned an adorable squeal from the blonde that topped her.

       They were interrupted when Jisoo came brushing through Roseanne's front door. "Rosie I messed up and I have like an hour before I have to go into the office so can we talk about it?" Jisoo said not looking up from her phone. But when she did, the sight she was met with made her gasp and nearly drop her phone. "This is because of me isn't it? You're cheating on Jennie because she did it to you." Jisoo asked guilty. "No Chu! I broke up with her. Me and Chaeng are together now." Lisa said making Roseanne smile brightly.

         After 45 minutes of explaining to Lisa and Roseanne about the whole situation Lisa finally uttered words. "So you had no clue we were together? She never even told you?" she asked in a surprised and confused tone. Jisoo nodded solemnly at the brunette. Lisa scoffed before speaking again. "I knew I should've never even-" she started when her phone dinged. The three of them gathered around the phone to see Jennie texting Lisa. It's not like the texts shocked them, Lisa knew what Jennie was like before her, cheating on everyone she dated.Why did she think that she changed?

Jennie: Babe please come home. We can talk about this. I love you.

    "Wow that sun of a bitch is really gaslighting you huh?" Jisoo scoffed before she said her goodbyes and leaving to go to her job. Roseanne didn't say a word. She just blinked in shock. Lisa pulled her in for a kiss. Snapping a picture at the same time some how. The blonde was surprised but didn't stop her. "You never answered my question. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Lisa said awkwardly. Rosé giggled. "Yes idiot." she said before pulling Lisa back in to her lips. Only to be interrupted by 3 knocks on the blonde's front door.

      Lisa didn't even have to look out the peephole Chaeyoung had to know it was Jennie. "What do you want Jennie?" Lisa asked duly. She was met with whines. "Words please." she asked strictly. Jennie took a shaky breath before speaking. "Why are you kissing that blonde son of a bitch." she said aggressively. Jennie took steps further into Roseanne's house before she made her way fully inside. "I don't know why didn't you tell poor Jisoo that we were together?" Lisa bit back as a response.

      "Lisa please I love you more than that skank ever will." Jennie said with a pleading tone. Lisa's eyes widened at her ex's language. "No. We're done. Me and Rosie are together now. And you won't call my girlfriend a skank. I'll be back tomorrow to get my stuff to bring it back to Rosie and I's home. Now get out." Lisa said spitefully. Jennie stomped off into her car and sped away. Chaeyoung came back around from the corner she was standing behind. "I love you Lisa. Thank you for protecting me." she said though it was muffled by Lisa's shoulder. "Your welcome baby." Lisa whispered back before scooping the girl up.

      Time skip: 5 years later

      "Thank you for coming Jennie and Seulgi." Lisa said with a real smile. The girl smiled an almost identical one. "Thank you for inviting us." Seulgi responded kindly. Lisa smiled. "I'm happy we are back to being friends." Jennie said before walking off with her new girlfriend to sit down. Lisa took a deep breath before going back to Jisoo at the alter. "You'll be fine Lisa. Roseanne is deeply in love with you and wouldn't trade you for the world." Jisoo soothed before the music started playing and the doors opened to reveal the gorgeous blonde girl.

        "I'm happy that this whole thing ended with the four of us being friends again." Chaeyoung admitted to the table that seated, her wife, Jennie and Jisoo. Lisa smiled as she tightened her girl on her hand. "Me too, I'm gonna go get Seulgi because we have a business trip tomorrow, but thank you for the invite again." Jennie said sincerely as she looked each one of the girl's in the eye,lingering on Jisoo a bit before leaving the table. "I'm gonna head out too." Jisoo said breaking the silence. They all said their goodbyes to each other.

      "Hey Lisa." Rosie slurred as she leaned against Lisa's sober body. Lisa shifted as the blonde had drunkenly put all her weight onto her side. "Hi Rosie." she replied while trying to get their hotel door open. She jiggled the door knob some more before sliding her key in and finally getting it open. "Let's have some fun." the blonde slurred before Lisa attacked her. When the pair woke up the next day with subtle headaches Lisa turned on her side to face her wife. "Thank you Rosie." she said sincerely. Roseanne smiled before her face contorted to confusion. "For what?" she asked.

    "For putting me back together."

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