Sun Chips

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      "Baby?" Roseanne called out into the apartment. She wallowed around the empty hallways until she found her girlfriend Lisa, sitting at her desk still photoshopping one of her client's pictures. "Can you get me some sunchips?" Roseanne whined as she plopped herself down on Lisa's lap. The brunette's hands instinctively wrapping around the blonde's waist. "After I finish this photo?" Lisa tried to compromise. Roseanne shook her head vigorously. Placing a small kiss on Roseanne's nose, Lisa lifted the two up before putting Roseanne down and walking to go get her jacket and car keys before leaving her luxurious apartment.

Roseanne regretted her life choices. She regretted asking Lisa to go get her sun chips. All Roseanne wanted to do was wrap her arms around Lisa and kiss her and cuddle her. She moped around the apartment. Eventually settling on sitting, cross crossed in front of the door. Luckily,to her delight Lisa came in through the door and giggled at her girlfriend's clingy actions. "I got you your sun-" Lisa said before being abruptly cut off by Roseanne's lips slamming against her own. "I missed you so much Lili!" Roseanne cried as she wrapped her legs around Lisa's waist.

Hours later the couple laid on their couch watching Love It Or List It. They were entranced in the show, how beautiful the houses looked. "Lisa? Can they come do our apartment?" Roseanne asked. She didn't move her eyes from the tv screen as Lisa's were quickly pouring into the side of her head. "Maybe when we get a house." she answered. Roseanne hummed before leaning into Lisa's neck. Lisa sighed contently as she balanced her head on top of her girlfriend's. The two dozed off,leaving their cats to come and cuddle up at their sides, picking their favorites.

"Lis? Did you get the cheese chips?" Roseanne asked her girlfriend, who was hard at work. Though, the girl stood up and tangled her fingers with Roseanne's. They then walked towards the kitchen and Lisa reluctantly let go of Roseanne and opened up the pantry doors. Orange sun chip bags overflowed as they covered the floor in front of Roseanne's feet. The girl squealed before cupping Lisa's face and placing kisses all over. Roseanne dove to the floor, picking up as many bags as she could whilst praising Lisa for buying her so many and how much she loves her.

         As much as Lisa loved her girlfriend. She hates that everytime she wanted a snack, it was a bright orange sun chip bag that she would pull out of the pantry. Got hungry during her work? Cheddar sun chips. The answer to everything that Roseanne ever wanted? Orange sun chips. "Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!" Roseanne chanted as she walked into the living room finding the black haired girl splayed across their couch. "Rosie?! Holy shit! Marry me." Lisa jumbled out as she took in the blonde's outfit. She hates when Roseanne went into her office, but damn did she look amazing.

          She also found another upside to the girl's attire. Roseanne had a fear of getting fancy clothes dirty. Therefore: no sun chips for Rosie. Lisa hates seeing her girlfriend sad but it would always pay off in the end because of how Roseanne got clingy when she was upset. Which was basically a win win for Lisa. "Lisa?" Roseanne whispered into the lightless room. She was answered with a soft hum. "Can I have some sun chips?" she asked quietly. Lia reached over to encase the girl in her arms. "What for?" she asked in a soft mumble. "I'm scared."

            Lisa was confused. "Of what?" she asked as she looked down at the blonde in her arms. Roseanne gestured to the window. The tough putter patter of the thunderstorm against it was what cued up this scared mess of a girl. It was then that Lisa finally understood. Sun Chips were Roseanne's comfort food. Lisa went to get up before the blonde pulled her back down. "Don't leave me please." she whimpered. Lisa softened. She picked up Roseanne and carried her out the kitchen. Roseanne quickly nuzzled her head into the hollow crook of Lisa's neck as she sniffled & whimpered.

             From then on, Lisa always made sure their pantry was stocked to the brim with orange bags of chips. Roseanne would smile at her as she watched her stock the pantry and drawers in their bedroom so Lisa and Roseanne wouldn't have to travel all the way to the kitchen in the middle of the night. "Hey are you doing this for me?" Roseanne asked as she watched Lisa stumble through the apartment with none other than cheddar sun chips. Lisa giggled before answering. "Because even though I've grown to hate these orange bags, I do it because I love you Rosie."

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