chapter 9

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Because of that fell down again because maybe I was too weak....

when I felt I was being held on my cheek because I felt that the pain was caused by the fact that dad slapped me.

"Never make yourself clean because in fact you want it! I first warned you to broke up that woman because apart from having no future with her, you will never be able to fulfill your dream of a normal family. Secondly, many times have passed and opportunity that you can eventually end your relationship but you did not do it because you could not let her go and you continued to betray her, so do not blame me for your mistake because if you did  listen to me nothing like this would happen "

"And now if because of your mania you'll set aside everything even our grandson ,  I will not allowed that something bad will happen to my grandson"

I know dad is angry because his face is already red and his fists are clenched.

"I know I made a mistake but I hope if you accepted us in the beginning I would not have reached this point"

"Mom! Dad! I just love her so much, I know you want my happiness but what if I am happy with Lisa and now she is gone how can I find the happiness I want now if she was not the one that I should marry "

"Mom! Dad! The pain here in my heart, it seems like I am being stabbed over and over again because I know  I ruined our relationship....why did you not accept us before "

I could no longer control myself and my tears flowed again as if there was no end

"That's right Jennie things have happened and we can do nothing now child! The important thing now is to take care of yourself and your future child "

But before I could speak again I felt dizzy and itching in my stomach...


"my stomach hurts! Ahhhhh... "I shouted because I felt like I was going to die from the pain I was feeling.

" are  you alright Jennie! We are going to the hospital! just hang in there"

 even mom panicked because of my condition.

I felt scared because the child might harm.

 Even though it was against my will that I got pregnant, I did not blame the child because it was not his fault.

We arrived at the hospital quickly and the doctor took care of me immediately and after that I completely lost consciousness.

While the kim couple waited outside Jennie's room, 

Jennie's mom couldn't help but cry because of what was happening to their child.

She asks herself if they have made the right decision that they prefer the other way and they have chosen the decision for their child that they think is right.

she could not help but blame herself, because even then Jennie was right in what she said about Lisa that she did nothing wrong but love their child to the best of her ability even though they showed bad manners to Lisa.

she looked at her Husband and even though she could not see any expression on his face, his eyes could still see the concern for the child inside the room.

While they were waiting outside, 

it was Kai who arrived with a worried look on his face

"How is Jennie?" he asked the couple 

"We do not know! Maybe we should just wait for the doctor to come out so we can find out what happened to her "Jennie's mommy replied to the young man

"if something bad happens to my son, I will make sure I'll look for that woman who is causing her suffering now" kai's words were mixed with anger

The couple knows what and who the young man is referring to and even they do not want anything bad to happen to their child.

When the doctor came out, he immediately looked for the patient's parents because he had something important to say about the patient's condition.

"Mr. and Mrs. kim follow my office "

the doctor told them

When they arrived at the doctor's office, they just waited for what he was about to say

"First of all, your daughter and her child are safe from harm. Now why did you let your child leave herself and suffered? I will tell you honestly if your child has not been caught and brought here early, you may not be able to see your future grandchild due to excessive stress and not eating at the right time. It is very dangerous for the patient to be stressed and not to eat at the right time and especially if she takes medications and vitamins, especially since her pregnancy will be difficult in the first three months. So I will tell you to make sure that the patient takes good care of herself because the next time it will not be a good outcome  "That is what the doctor instructed the couple to avoid any accident.

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