chapter 16

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The moment Irene woke up she felt too exhausted and nerve ending head ache, she feel as if she was fighting and her body was being beaten to the point of feeling extreme pain.

Bright and a blinding white room greeted her vision. she opened her eyes slowly and adjust by the bright light that surrounds her.

she wanted to speak to know whom ever the person around  but her throat was dry so it hurt a bit when she tried to speak.she wanted to rub and massage her temple in order to ease the pain and relieved herself from pain in it but she could not move her left hand because it seemed like someone was holding it.

she look downward to scan her hands, there are another pair of delicate yet soft hands gripping them tightly.she didn't know who the woman was holding her hands but only she was sure it wasn't her ex -girlfriend because of its blonde hair and long eye lashes. 

Yes 'ex -girlfriend' because the moment she witnessed her infidelity was the same moment she also ended their relationship.

When she remembered what happened last night, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart once again because of their shameful act.

But when she remembered the woman last night, she couldn't help but smile because Irene didn't expect  to meet in such a situation. 

Irene is the only child of a married couple who are both successful in their respective businesses especially in the field of entertainment.

Irene was only 15 years old when her parents left her due to an unexpected accident that ended their lives. Irene is alone and heart broken in life but someone helped her get up and that is Kim Jisoo. 

before, if she could only hear its name, Irene would smile and felt loved but at this very moment this name is the one she doesn't want to hear the most she despise upon hearing this name.

Because of the intense hatred she feels right now, she can't help but form  her hands into fist because of the anger that envelops her feelings.

Gradually, Lisa woke up because she felt Irene move, so she was very happy now because the  woman had woke up. she felt a little annoyed with herself because she put herself to sleep instead of taking care of her and watching her, she felt  betrayed with her very own eyes and closed which she did not allow.

"Hey are you ok?"

"How are you feeling?"

"Is anything you feel uncomfortable with?"

"Do you want to eat something"

Lisa questioned after question because she really didn't know what she was going to do because every time she meet each others gazes she felt herself was lost by just looking at Irene's deep blue eyes .

"Do you want me to call the doctor first so we can find out what happened to you and why you fainted suddenly?" 

Lisa's voice traces the concern of the woman lying on the bed. Although Irene didn't expect that the woman she was with last night at the park was also the woman who watched over her all night.

 So that's how happy her heart feels because of the concern that the woman showed that she didn't even know what the name was 'maybe I'll just ask here later to thank er' she mentally said to  herself.

Instead of Irene thinking about the bad thing that happened to her, it was replaced by strange feeling because the woman right in front in her eyes 'cute' she said to her self because Lisa was acting like a child one after question  another question was being  asked so she didn't know either which one she will answer first.


was the first thing Irene said because even though she wanted to answer the questions of the woman in front of her, she couldn't do it because of the dryness of her throat.

Lisa immediately gave Irene water to drink and she would then ask what she wanted to eat because even she was already feeling hungry and she know that Irene felt the same.

When Irene drank all the water given by Lisa , she immediately asked the woman what the doctor said because she remembered that she was pregnant so she wanted to know what her condition was, especially now that she was alone after what had happened.

"I'll call the doctor first so we can find out what caused your fainting and then we'll eat too because I've already instructed someone to deliver food for us here at the hospital" 

Lisa  knew that  the first thing to do is find out its situation to avoid another unwanted accidents like yesterday to happens again.

 Irene, on the other hand, was amazed at the woman's attitude and she couldn't help but admire the way the woman paid attention to her and the way she took care of her, and it was as if the woman could read her thoughts so she only nodded at what the woman was saying.

Something Lisa pressed just above Irene's bed and just a few seconds later three doctors arrived along with two other nurses.

Irene was a little surprised why three doctors entered her room and apart from that she just noticed that the type of room she was staying in was not just a typical hospital room with a very modern design with carefully chosen interior materials and you couldn't tell for yourself in the first look that this room was actually a hospital room 

but apart from that she feels, seeing the nervous action of the doctors, maybe she was just imagining things but she was sure that they seemed to be very careful with their every move as if just a mistake of their step would end their lives as well.

"Good morning Miss Bruschweiler" 

the doctor and nurse said at the same time as they greeted the woman beside her that silently sitting with out even looking directly at their eyes but you can feel the heaviness of the atmosphere Irene feels right at this very moment.


a/n: hello again! welcome again to my first update at this month. I'm sorry for slow update, but I' also trying my best to find time updating my story despite of my tight schedule in my school. Thank you again for the readers!!!!

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