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"Jennie, have you known about your ex -girlfriend's true identity for a long time, and why didn't you even tell us?"

breaking the deafening silence by Jennie's father while the Kim family was inside a luxurious apartment where they stayed temporarily while they were here in America.

 Jennie didn't like the tone of her good father's question, because in fact they used to be the one with her mother that didn't want to hear about Lisa before, every time she just mentioned Lisa's name, it seemed like a deadly and cursed name. that they didn't want to hear and now that they knew its true identity they immediately had a change of heart and opinion about the woman they had previously almost cursed and even called indifferent names just to show their disgust towards the women.

"Why don't you talk Jennie huh? If I only knew .. "Jennie's father couldn't keep up with what he wanted to say when she cut her off

"And what dad? If only you knew what is her real identity and status in life, would you treat her differently? Are you willing to sacrifice your so called reputation to had our own plans? It's not, right? Maybe you forgot that you almost cursed her and if you remember that even a hungry dog ​​can't eat the words you threw at her but now suddenly everything is different? what a major turn you had dad "

Jennie could no longer refrain from venting her grievances to her parents because for them even though she was their only child she was only a tool for their plans and also to maintain their reputation and status in life. .

"Don't raise your voice to your father Jennie, we're still your parents" 

her mother interjected while her husband Kai was just in a corner and quietly listening and she didn't even bother to care at all what was going on in his brain.

"That's right, you're my parents, that's why even until now I'm still here tied and chained and being ruled for everything I wanted to do, because you're my parent and I respect you. And as for your  question dad. I don't know about her true identity because during the times when we were together, all I knew was her parents and even in their state of life I didn't know anything, and even if I knew anything, that didn't matter at all. "

That's all Jennie said to her parents and went up to her room to rest because she was so mentally tired even physically she had nothing else to do at the event but sit and talk if necessary but her brain seemed to have lost its  air and life so even lifting of her feet is too hard to do so.

"What are you thinking now Jennie?"Jennie didn't realize that her good husband had followed her to her room.

"What do you want me to tell you Kai? What do you want to hear from my mouth? " there was a tone of annoyance  in her tone as she adjusted herself and changed her clothes so she could go to sleep

" I don't know what to think at all Jennie! Because I know from the very beginning that you haven't forget her at all, tell me is she the reason why you want to break up with me? " There was a mixture of bitterness in the tone of Kai's words

"Think what you want to think Kai but you have no right use Lisa's name and she never has anything to do with why I want to break up with you because more than anyone you know the real reason why I want to break up with you and end this relationship that seems so perfect for everyone but the truth is its rotten inside and out" she retaliate to kai

"Jennie you know that I love you so much and I can't live without you, and as for my mistake I am guilty about it, but please forgive me I won't do it again I promise you" Kai almost knelt in front of Jennie in supplication.

"I'm tired! And you can't change my decision anymore and even my parents can't do anything about it. Go to sleep and please just close the door when you leave "that's all Jennie said because she didn't want to hear the words and promises coming out of Kai's mouth over and over again and eventually broke it and he even had the audacity to turn the blame because he was drunk or because he was seduced and he was just a man that also had a need so he was able to betray and broke his promises many times.

The man could do nothing but follow Jennie's wishes.

When Jennie heard that her door closed, she got up and get wine  glass, then she poured wine into it and then she took off her clothes and then went to the bathroom and took a dip in the bathtub. 

She could feel the flow of cold water on her body but still couldn't match the coldness of Lisa's eyes when they meet their eyes gazes for the first time in a long time. 

Jennie could see the brightness of the stars from her position because there was a large glass window where the bathtub was located so she could see the sky and the perfect shape of the moon was in her view. 

During these times her tears flowed unexpectedly but her heart ached even more because she witnessed how Lisa looked and touched the girl she introduced as her fiancee, the woman who already owns the woman's heart. 

she owned it then, the woman who made her happy was now happy with others side and what made her even burdened was the reason that she was not the cause of the smiles on the woman's lips that she used to be the only reason but it was all before because of her stupidity it went to other and left her in tears and broke that whatever she does to rebuild it is too hard to get back to normal because the departure of the woman she loves also at the same time is the destruction of her heart and soul. 

she took a sip of the rest of her glass and then immersed herself in the cold water with the cold tears in her eyes, and at these times she wished that even only now she could feel the warmth. caused by the woman she loved



a/n" hello everybody long time no update! because of some unwanted circumstances happen and so my updates was overly delayed. but anyways I've planned to have my update at Saturday but due to sudden changes I will update today for my story also will soon come to its end. so in advance Thank you and happy reading everyone!!!!!!!

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