chapter 12

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Jennie and Kai's engagement celebration spreads like a wildfire and uncontrollable, it  became a news in and out of the country.

 Many congratulated them on their relationship and many also praised them.

This news also did not escape to Lisa's family so her parents are very worried because something might happen again to Lisa due to the news that lingered everywhere you go, is the main talk and gossip for everybody because of Jennie's family's influence in business and Kai's family also.

 Meanwhile at the resort where Lisa stays......

This is Lisa's last day staying at the resort and she will go home tomorrow and fly to the States as she promised her parents and Grandpa and Grandma.

she is here by the beach. This is what she does during the week she is here. 

she watches the sunset and she also watches its sunrise every morning.

As she sat on a large rock, she was holding the ring she would have given to Jennie then. she is still reminiscing there life before everything that happens and so many what if's and questions that until now remained unanswered. 

Last night she watched the celebration of their engagement with her now ex-girlfriend and by that moment it sink in to her that she is no longer belong to her. 

she knew in herself that even though she said she had to give up, she was still hurting too much even though she kept telling herself that it was right.

The night after the news of Jennie's engagement, Lisa drowned in alcohol and tears that keeps on falling like a water fall with no indication of cessation to flow.

Every drop of her tears was accompanied by every drop of rain that seemed to understand her feeling of pain she is having right now.

It was noon when Lisa woke up so she didn't had the chance to  watch the sunrise during her last days of staying here.

The sun was setting and Lisa was still here sitting on a large rock and had no intention of leaving the place where she was sitting.

As the sun went down, she also promised Lisa to finish whatever she felt for Jennie and prayed that the wind would bring her last offering of love to the woman.

she knew it would not be that easy to bury the events that befell her but she could not lock herself in the past because she would surely get hurt again and again if she could not let go the past.

It hurts  her to just end their relationship so easily but she has to do it because there is nothing she can do to continue to cling if she knows for herself that the person who should be with her has long since left.

Even though she loved the woman so much she would never forget what she said to her

"I'm tired Lisa"

Those were the very last words that broke her whole being  the end of her remaining love for the girl she ever loved, because she did not think or even comes to her imagination that the woman she loved would feel tired and pressure giving back the love she had given to her.

now she has proven that happiness is accompanied by nerve ending pain. And its true that you cannot serve two master at the same time so you need to choose worthy of your service and let go the other one to find its true happiness and not felt pain because of holding her back.

Along with the sunset is also the closing part of her dreams that Lisa once developed and created with the woman she wanted to be with for life but was deprived of time to fulfill.

"Jen! If you hear me now I want to tell you for the last time that I love you so much and that will never change that easily.You know you are my life but you are also the reason of my lifeless being. I know I also have shortcomings and I do not deny those shortcomings so we were destroyed so easily and we did not even fight back the test that came to us we simply give up.

I know that you will be a part of my life then and until the end of my life and no matter what I do you will remain here in my heart. But I will not allowed you that even if I you're no longer belong to me, you still have the power to hurt and dictate my heart because I love you.

Along with the sunset, this day is my last day of my love for you Jen and I hope you will help me do that to completely forget you for myself and the people who love and will still love me.

 I would like to thank you for being a part of my life and I hope you will help me find the person I should dedicate my whole life to.Maybe we don't deserve each other... ..

and at these very times I am completely freeing you and in that way I am also freeing myself from you.

I pray for your happiness on the path you have taken and will walk with your new family. And the tears that fall from my eyes at these very moment are the last tears I will offer for you

This is the last time and  I would say goodbye to you my love ...... .. "

Even though it was hard for Lisa to say those words she had to do it because she could not lock her heart and herself into the past which could have dragged her down which could have ruined her and the people she loved.


 sound of the ring that she threw with all his might slowly sinking under the sea.

Along with her last tears was the blowing of the cold wind and she prayed that the cold wind would carry her prayers.

she returned home and went to bed early to greet the new morning waiting for her.


a/n: I am so grateful for those people who took time to read my imaginative work of fiction and also thank you for those who voted also my work. From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU and hoping for your support till I finish this story........

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