chapter 23

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Lisa took a blanket from her cabinet in the car to cover Irene's trembling body. 

Lisa was worried sick because what had happened to her before that it fainted might happen  again an what bothers her the most is the situation of the baby so she had better call her personal doctor to check on the situation of Irene.

Even though Irene's whole body was shaking, she couldn't feel that she is cold at all because due to the strange heat caused by Lisa's body,  she just comfortably and continued to hug the woman and she didn't feel any resistance nor showing of indication being uncomfortable for her touch from the woman so she sit her ass comfortably in the lap of Lisa and snuggled her head in the crook of the neck of the woman and eventually she couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes and drifted to sleep.

"Miss where do you wanted me to drive to?"

the driver asked Lisa.

"Let's drive to my house and get Dr. Shen for me after you take us to my house "

Lisa instructed her driver.

The whole trip to Lisa's house was quiet and from time to time she could look outside but more often she stared at the woman sleeping in her arms.

It hurts and breaks her heart to see Irene in this situation but she can't stop admiring her because of her courage to make a decision, she remembers herself the times she was also devastated and helpless when Jennie decided to left her, but it's good  that her parents were there to help her stand on her feet, even though she had no friends, she was grateful she had a family to depend on during her lowest times.

So that's why she worries about Irene because she has nothing to depend for because her parents where gone and the person she hopes that will accompany her for the good and bad times left her.

'I don't know why I feel that way every time you're here next to me Irene, I don't want to see you cry, hurt and most of all it breaks me into a million pieces every time I see you sad. But Irene as I told you I will never leave you no matter what happens and you will never cry again because of the pain. Maybe this is what I'm waiting and praying for, the right time and person, maybe it's time for me to be happy and maybe you're the answer to my prayers Irene  that god sent for me'

Lisa said softly to the woman as she caressed the woman's face peacefully resting in her arms. 

Irene moved her head slightly and pressed it even harder on Lisa's neck and it tightened her embrace even more and didn't care if the person she was hugging couldn't breathe as long as she knew she didn't want to lose the strange kind of heat it caused and it gave her a good feeling.

While Lisa, on the other hand, even though she sometimes has difficulty of breathing, she wants to stick to their position  like a magnet that doesn't want to separate even for a moment and short amount of time, so she also responded with a tight hug while her red lips rested on her head and smelled Irene's sweet scent and for once again Lisa felt that she finally found the home she was looking for and she found it with Irene.

Now she was sure that she would never be able to let the woman go and she knew that Irene felt the same way every time they were together because she could read that in her eyes. 

The five years she waited for the right person to come has come to an end and her long wait is over to find that right person whom she can considered home. That is her main reason why she can't go home to her family and just make use all of her time making her empire and business grow even more, yes she had a family that cares for her well being and love her unconditionally but there seems to be something missing.

Yes! she owns many mansions but she doesn't feel like she has a real home and now looking at Irene she cant make this opportunity pointless, to be happy and she would do everything to keep her new home with her for life.

"We were already here"  the driver informed Lisa 

The driver opened the car door and Lisa carried Irene to her room on the second floor, where the maid met her to help with her luggage.

"Manang! Please prepare me a basin of water and cotton, and when Dr. Shen arrives please take her with you upstairs, and prepare some soup and lukewarm water and then please sent it to my room! Thank you, "

Lisa told her caretaker.

Lisa carefully laid Irene on her bed and prepared what Irene could wear because she might get even sick because her wet clothes from the rain had dried and it was bad for her child.

Lisa went to her massive six doors walk in closet and got a pair of clothes for Irene and new set of underwear's so she could change the woman.

When she changed the woman's clothes, she prepared to clean her body. After she took a bath, she heard a knock on her door so she knew that the Doctor she had called was here already.


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