Chapter 54.

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Elijah's POV.

My mom is going to kill me if I don't choose her but I really don't have a favorite. I love them all and plus if one of them just didn't ask to be the favorite then I would've chosen that person.

"Elijah I won't also be angry like Aunt Sofia but if you choose Adrian I will forget you, my boyfriend." Annette said and Adrian looked at her angry. "Sorry." She mumbled. She was never scared of Adrian before the accident.

"Well, then I stand by Mom and Annette." Emily smiled. "Chose anyone except Oliver because I am your sibling too so if you pick Oliver we done." 

"You guys literally mentioned everyone's names so how can I choose someone?" I questioned.

"We never said you can't choose us." Mom said and Annette and Emily nod their heads. Women are really crazy. There has to be a way I can get out of this. 

"Baby." I answered, excited. I am a fucking genius. 

"Yes!" Annette clapped. "I knew I was your favorite." Oh no, she thinks I am calling her 'Baby'.

"Annette, I am the baby Carson he is probably talking about me." Oliver said.

"Excuse me!" Emily turned to Oliver. "I am also Elijah's baby sister. Baby could be me." 

"Kids, Elijah is talking about his baby." Mom said. "He chose his baby now let's all go home and leave Elijah and his baby alone." 

"What?" I giggled. "You all going to leave because you not my favorite person." They only left without saying a word so I ran after mom. "Mom, why are you turning my family against me?"

"Honey, I was just looking for a way to get Benjamin and the others to leave. Annette is shy and she hasn't eaten anything since morning. She needs to eat something. And plus didn't you see the way Benjamin and everyone else was looking at Annette? Elijah, everyone is still angry at her. It will take time for them to forgive her so next time you decide to invite your whole family don't forget to invite Annette's side of the family too. I don't want Annette thinking no one loves or cares about her. She needs someone on her side." Mom kissed me. "Congratulations on making a baby before getting married."

"Why do you need to add the fact Annette isn't my wife." I asked.

"Eli, I am preparing you for the world. Honey, everyone will label your baby as an illegitimate baby. You know you a Carson and the media always brings you down so when they find out your Annette is carrying your baby, you will make headlines." 

"I got used to make headlines mom but thanks for the heads up." I kissed her. "Travel safely." 

"Bye baby." She left so I closed the door. Mom will need to stop calling me baby even if I father a million children. I need to get used to being called 'baby' when my own children are going to be around. I can't believe I haven't thought of names for my babies.

"Annette, why are you eating like that?" I asked and she faced the other side. "Are you angry with me?"

"Elijah you embarrassed me." She mumbled. 

"You don't need to feel embarrassed cause of what happened." I hugged her from behind. "You might not be my favorite but I do love you more than before." 

"That's not enough." She turned to me. "I have a doctor's appointment later so excuse me please."

"Is something bothering you?" I asked and she shook her head. "Good." 

"Elijah is something bothering you?" She questioned and I nod my head. "Tell me."

"Annette, you know my parents used to fight a lot when I was a kid despite the fact they love each other a lot." I said. "Annette, I know this will sound cheesy but I love you a lot so can we never keep anything from each other. No more secrets from this day onwards." 

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