Chapter 98

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Annette's POV.

Elijah came back from his fight very early. He usually comes back around two so I don't know why he is very early today.

"Why are you drunk?" I asked.

"You are a good actress." He said, pushing me away. "That man said I am no longer fighting for him because he has someone better." I can't believe Oliver came through for us. I don't know how much the man agreed to take but whatever the amount is, I am glad Oliver convinced him.

"That's good Eli, you should be happy." I told him.

"You make me hate you more." He mumbled before going upstairs. He is such a drama queen, he will get over not being a fighter anymore.

- -- - --

The next morning, Elijah and I got the kids ready together and then he dropped me by my parent's house with the kids. I know deep down he still feels bad about turning my parents against each other that is why he isn't fighting about the kids going to them.

I greeted both my parents and they both ignored me taking Red and Ryker. Rule number 1, only make your parents grandkids if you had enough of your parents' love.

"I'm surprised Red and Ryker are not crying for Elijah." Mom said while holding Red.

"Did they use to cry for Elijah?" I asked.

"When you were not here, if Elijah thought about leaving them, they would cry like they were dying." Dad said. I guess the reason the kids would cry was because Elijah spent every second with them and he never used to let anyone else take care of them so they only wanted their father, everyone else was just a second choice.

"How are you feeling dad?" I asked.

"If you want to know if your mother and I will be getting a divorce then the answer is yes, we will be getting a divorce." My dad replied.

"Can you at least tell the kid how you feel?" Mom said.

"Well, I am fine but I will be better once the divorce is finalized." Dad said and my heart broke into a billion pieces.

"Dad, don't you think you are overreacting?" I asked. "Mom, just made a couple of mistakes and everyone makes mistake so can't you forgive her?"

"Mistakes happen by accidents Anne. Your mother planned everything, she always finds a way to ruin things and I am just tired. Annette I am getting old, I can't live like this anymore. I got a heart attack last time, I survived your mother's lies but next time I might not."

"Don't say that dad." I said.

"Annette, you still our child so please let us just do things our way." My mom said with a smile. "If a divorce will make your father happy, then that is what he will get and no one can stop that from happening."

"I'm glad we are finally on the same page." My father said and my mother nodded with a smile.

"We got a divorce before we had kids, I just wish we never got back together but at least Meghan and Annette are adults now." Mom said.

"I know you don't mean that mom." My eyes became teary. "You love Dad and he loves you too, you both don't mean it. And I—I—I will never let you get a divorce. Mom, the baby you are carrying doesn't deserve to be born in a broken family."

"The baby doesn't also deserve a family that stays together despite being toxic for one another. Anne, your mother and I will be good parents so you don't need to be worried about your baby sister or brother." My dad said.

Speaking of baby, where the hell is my baby sister Meghan? She was supposed to be here, we both promised to convince our parents but now she bailed out on me. I don't even know why I trusted her to be here when she refused to meet me alone.

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