Chapter 66.

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Elijah's POV.

I got home and my family was happy to see me. Anna, Marko and everyone else was in our house too. I gave them a weak smile as tears formed in my eyes. I am hurting but so are they. I wish I could help them and be a strong man but I am weak. 

"Elijah" My mother hugged me. "Where were you my boy, we were worried." 

"I just wanted to be alone. I wanted to understand the real meaning of death." Tears rolled down my face but I quickly wiped it. "Mom, I understand Annette is dead and I am sorry for making you worried."

"I am happy you accepted her death." Adrian, my cousin said and I nod my head.

"Where is grandpa?" I asked.

"I don't know when Dad will be here Elijah, I last spoke to him when Anne--."

"I am talking about Annette's grandpa." I said.

"Oh, umm, he had a heart attack but he is fine now. He just got discharged a few hours ago. Meghan is looking after him." Dad replied.

"Where are Red and Ryker?" My heart broke into a million pieces as I said their names. I didn't even get a chance to tell Annette about the names. I wonder what names she had on her mind. Would she even like the names I gave them?

"The twins are sleeping upstairs, Emily is with them." Mom said.

"You gave them good names." Uncle Marko said so I nod my head.

I went upstairs to check on them. I went inside the room and they were all sleeping on the bed.

"They just fell asleep, please don't wake them up." My dad said, entering the room. 

"I won't." I whispered. "I just came to see them. Dad, I actually want to take my kids to my house if that's fine with you."

"Let's talk in the other room." He said, so I followed him. "Eli, you are still in shock. I know a part of you believe she is still--."

"Dad, it's been three days. I am hurting but that doesn't mean I can't take care of my own children."

"Elijah, can we talk about that after the funeral." 

"Fine, I will take my children after the funeral." I gave him a weak smile. "You don't need to look so worried, I am their father I am capable of looking after them."

"I know." He smiled. "You will be a great father kiddo."

"That's what uncle said too." 

"It's good that you talked to Damien but I am your father, you know you can talk to me anytime." 

"Thanks, dad." I have to pull myself together or else I might start talking about uncle Aiden. "How is Oliver?" I asked. "I didn't see him since--that day."

"He was worried about you so we had to inject him. He is sleeping now." 

"Can I go see Annette's grandpa, I know you hate him but I want to give him my condolences."

"Of course, you don't need to ask." Dad quickly said so I hugged him. "Please don't cry, kid."

"I am not crying dad, I got tired of that." I laughed. "I cried for three days, it didn't help at all. I just ended up getting a headache and--." I smiled. "I am a mess. I tried bringing back Annette, god knows how much I tried dad but she is dead, and I am trying to accept that. That is why I stopped crying."

"I am happy for you kid." My dad looked at me weird. "Where did you go when you left last night?"

"Italy, I went for some fresh air." I told him. "That's where Annette's death actually hit me. I mean, the entire world knows she's dead and I have been acting like a kid not accepting that she is gone. Anyway, I want to go visit grandpa Henry. I know he loved Annette a lot so bye. I will be back in an hour." I hugged my dad again before leaving the room. 

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