Chapter 19.

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Annette's POV.

I kept tossing and turning. How am I suppose to sleep in this room when I don't even know if Elijah is back home. 

I quickly sat up. I will get used to sleeping at twelve without having an argument or a video call with Elijah when he is basically sleeping in the room next to me. This is the first step to moving on and I think I am doing an awesome job forgetting him right now.

"Elijah." I said the second someone entered my room.

"Meghan." She said, switching the lights on. "I knew you would be awake. How do you feel?"

"I am fine now tell me sister, how about a girl's day out tomorrow. Just you and me." I smiled at her and she sat next to me.

"I have a training session with grandpa tomorrow and after that, I have to get ready for my test. I have exams, sorry." She said. "But if you really want to go out than go with Adrian and tell him you want to be his partner next week. I heard he doesn't have a date for the business award."

"You know." I looked at her and she nod her head. "Meghan I promise that is not the reason I want to spend some time with my sister."

"Annette, I know Elijah asked Kathleen to be his date and I also know you not asking me out on a date because of that but I want you to be happy that is why I think you should go see Adrian tomorrow and go out with him. I promise the media is going to forget the fact you are Elijah's fake ex-girlfriend. They will stop calling you names."

"Fine. I will go to the business award and show everyone that Elijah and I are just friends." I smiled at her. "Now tell me do you have a boyfriend."

"You are my sister and you already know that I have a crush but I will never tell anyone his name. Not even you Annette Hendricks or should I call you Annette Kingston, like grandpa." 

"I am sure the boy you have a crush on, likes you but please focus on your books." I told her and she got up. 

"Get some sleep, I love you." She kissed me before leaving. She changed a lot ever since the day she beat me up. She is up to something.

My phone beeped and I checked my message.

Unknown: You can run but you can't hide.

I read the message a couple of times. Who the hell would send me this message this time of the night?

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: Your worst nightmare. 

Me: Name?

Unknown: Tick Tok Tick Tok.

I left the person on read and went to bed. 

The next morning I woke up and there were five messages from different numbers. I ignored them all and went to take a shower. When I came back to read the message it was all gone. Whoever is trying to scare me is stupid. I am fearless.

"Good morning." I smiled taking a seat next to my father. 

"Morning pumpkin." My father kissed me. "How are you feeling?"

"I am awesome dad thank you." I replied. "Dad, where are mom and Meghan?"

"Your mother went to drop Meghan somewhere." He got up. "I wish I could stay longer and chat but I am late for work. I love you." He kissed my head.

"Enjoy your day." I shouted and he left. I am all alone, nothing new. I actually wonder how Elijah is coping right now? 

I quickly ate breakfast and went straight to my grandfather's place. I need to tell him about the messages. I hope someone is pranking me because I have no time to catch any villains.

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