Chapter 77.

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Third person's POV.

They informed the whole family about Elijah the next morning. It was hard to get hold of Oliver but in the end they did and he decided to take another flight and come back home.

"Look at how that bitch dragged my son." Sofia said after watching the video for the 'hundredth time' "I swear I will never forgive her for touching my son."

"Any news Jay?" Charlotte asked and Jay who was busy trying to track down Kathleen's phone shook his head. "No lead?"

"Everything is just a dead end. Hopefully, Benjamin and the others found some clues." Jay replied.

"Elijah has been gone for eighteen hours, we have to call the police for help." Sofia said.

"No, we can't let anyone else know Elijah is missing, or else his life will be in more danger." Jay told her. "Just focus on the kids and we will handle the rest."

"Focus on my kids? Jay how can I do that when my son is missing." Sofia said. "If Benjamin and them don't come home with Elijah, I will look for him myself." 

"And where will you look for him?" Benjamin asked as he came in. "Sofia, there's no trace of him. We have looked everywhere but there's nothing." 

"I just want my son." Sofia cried so Benjamin hugged her.

"And we will find him, I promise." Benjamin promised her. "Jay, any news?"

"I couldn't find anything. I think Kathleen doesn't use the phone number you gave me." Jay replied. "But Adrian said he will get an IT specialist so we will just have to wait for him to arrive."

"Dad why would Kathleen kidnap Elijah?" Emily asked. 

"We will only have an answer to that question once we find Kathleen." Benjamin answered.

Kathleen on the other hand chained up Elijah. She made sure every chain was tight and he could not escape. She also handcuffed him.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead." Kathleen smiled at him.

"Red... Ryk--er .. dad." Elijah mumbled. "Mom."

"What are you trying to say? Are you crying for mommy?" She laughed. "Don't worry boy, you will have a chance to talk to dad and the bitch that gave birth to you." She opened her new tablet and connected it to the one she left in China. She called Benjamin's number and Jay answered the video call. 

"Where is Elijah?" He questioned her.

"Listen Kathleen, please give me back my son." Sofia begged and she rolled her eyes.

"You such a dramatic bitch." Kathleen said. "Oh my.." Tears formed in Kathleen's eyes as she saw Benjamin. "Dad."

"What?" They all looked at Kai, confused. "He is not even your age, how can he be your father?" Jay asked.

"We don't care who your father is Kathleen, just tell us where you took Elijah!" Benjamin shouted.

"I won't tell you where he is." Kathleen said.

"Let's make a deal." Emily pressed her hands together. "Please let Elijah come home safely and we will give you anything you want." 

"You don't understand Emily." She shook her head. "I just ... I always just wanted my dad but you have him." 

"We don't have your dad, we don't even know who he is so stop being a psychopath and leave Elijah alone." Charlotte shouted.

"I think I know her dad." Sofia replied, turning to Benjamin.

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