Chapter 3

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"I never agreed to be your PA Elijah." I shouted as we entered the elevator. I should have known Elijah would never give me a good job.

"You wanted a job and I gave you one so please just stop getting angry." Elijah replied. "By the way act natural. You are my girlfriend so don't forget that."

"I remember everything, I have to say." I mumbled. "We started dating a few days ago and you never told anyone about us because your father hates my mother." I repeated everything he told me.

The elevator opened and we quickly got out.

"Don't call my father, Uncle Benjmain. Call him Mr Carson or sir." Elijah told me as we went in his office. "Now as my personal assistant, please start making me coffee."

"I can see your PA but I don't see your girlfriend." Uncle Benjamin interrupted us.

"Father, can't you see Annette. She's my girlfriend and PA." Elijah stated putting his hand around me. "I never wanted to tell you I'm dating Annette because you hate her mother but after what happened yesterday I finally decided to stop hiding her from the world."

"You haven't seen the news, did you?" Uncle Benjamin questioned. "Someone took pictures of you last night with Annette, leaving a club. You ruined the Carson reputation, once again."

"Dad, didn't you hear what I said." Elijah said. "Annette is my girlfriend and we can go clubbing together anytime of the day."

"She's your what? A Kingston? Elijah you said she is your PA." Uncle Benjamin panicked. I don't understand why he hates my mother's family. "I want to see you in my office, now." Elijah went with his father and I sat on his chair.

I shouldn't have agreed. Mother will definitely kill me when she finds out. Fuck, dad even works here. What if he finds out I'm working here and I am Elijah's girlfriend. I'll have to sneak out.

"You fired." Elijah shouted, coming in the office. "Dad said I can't keep my girlfriend as my PA. I'm sorry Annette but you fired."

"Thank you." I sighed relieved. "I'll leave now before my father sees me."

"But where will you get a job?" He questioned.

"I'll find a way, bye." I tried to walk out of the door but uncle Benjmain stopped me.

"Why are you leaving so soon?" He asked. "I just got a call from Sofia, she wants to invite her daughter-in-law and her stupid son for dinner tomorrow night." I nod my head smiling and he left.

"Don't look at me Annette. You could've refused." Elijah said.

"I can't lie to your mother Elijah. You know mom Sofia treats me like her own daughter. I can't do it." He cupped my face in his hands.

"My mother would never hate you for lying for her son. She loves you and I love you. You my sister and I trust you a lot that's why I asked you to be my fake girlfriend and not any other girl."

"I have to go." I broke our eye contact.

"You can take the car, I'll ask the driver to get me my other car." He gave me the car keys and his credit card. "Get only one dress. Don't make me broke, Annette." I smiled at him and took the card.

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