Chapter 75.

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Annette's POV.

I took my jacket off and took the file out of the drawer. Mission 57 is completed! 

"Welcome back boss." Adam said so I quickly turned to him.

"Thanks, partner." I replied. 

"Any plans for the night?" He asked and I shook my head. "Should we get drinks?"

"I am too tired for that." I jumped on my bed. "Let's just have a drink here and we can go out tomorrow night, maybe." 

"Sure." He picked the picture frame-up. "You still have this picture?"

"Got it as a gift." I took it from him. "This picture means a lot to me." I stared at Elijah. "I miss him a lot."

"I am sorry that you won't ever see him again." Adam hugged me. 

"Me too." I smiled. "But look at how happy he is in this picture. Red and Ryker are both with him and everyone else is there."

"I also got you another gift so close your eyes." I quickly closed my eyes and he handed me a page. 

"What is it?" I questioned, my eyes still shut.

"Open your eyes!" He said and I looked at the picture he handed me. "They had a function today so I got a picture of it for you."

"Wow!" Tears started forming in my eyes. "They all look so beautiful. They look so happy, Adam and I am glad they are all happy together." 

"Annette!" My grandpa called me so I quickly hid the picture. "Annette, I am sure you are hungry so come eat."

"I am coming." I shouted. "Adam, I will see you tomorrow." I went to the dining hall and Adam left the house. 

"My beautiful granddaughter." He smiled. "How was the mission?"

"It was fine." I kissed him on the cheek. "How are you, grandpa?"

"Always good when I see my oldest granddaughter." He replied. "Did you hear from your mother?"

"No, she usually calls on Sundays only." I said. "So did you meet Red and Ryker? How are they?"

"They are fine. Kid, you know you have to focus on running this place and not the children, or else you will be targetted when you least expect it."

"Yes sir." I started eating and he kept watching me the whole time. 

"It's been more than thirteen months kiddo, you can't still be living in the past." He said. "You have to move on, stop thinking about the Carsons. That is your past, something you won't ever go back to."

"I did move on, I really don't love him, I just miss the kids. Grandpa, they are growing up without me, they are already one year old, they will be two and then three and before you know it they will be teenagers and they will want to visit my grave more while I am still alive." Tears formed in my eyes. "They will never know me, their mother, and that's all I ever think about. Elijah is in my past, he isn't the one that's on my mind."

"You made the decision to leave them behind, so you have to live with it unless. . ."

"What?" I asked.

"You want us to do something that will let the kids end up in the hospital and then we take them from there and pretend they died?" 

"No!" I shook my head. "We can't do that! My babies love Elijah a lot and he loves them more than anything, we can't do that to him. We already broke him once." I already regret breaking his heart, I can't ever let them take the kids from him. I can't see him in pain anymore.

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