Chapter 104.

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Annette's POV. 

I woke up the next morning, tired from last night's after-party. I miss being so carefree and doing whatever I want whenever I want but I love being a mother more so I need to limit my drinking. 

I got up from my bed, my head felt so heavy. I hate this drinking, it's bad for me and I will stop. I need to be like Oliver who has never touched alcohol.

"Are you awake?" Elijah said coming in the room with a glass of water. "You need to drink water."

"Why don't you have a hangover?" I asked, drinking the water. 

"I only had two glasses while you finished bottles." He said. "And you know you were the one lecturing me about drinking. What is it you said? Elijah, drink juice like everyone else."

"I got carried away because I missed being out with everyone and having fun." I said. "Last night reminded me of how crazy I used to be."

"You were really happy." He smiled. "And I hope I never see that happiness gone."

"You won't, as long as you never leave my side." I said and he grabbed me. "Elijah!"

"I will always be by your side. Till death do us apart." He said and I smiled. "Now get dressed cause we have a photoshoot at lunch."


"My baby brother said his first word and it's tradition for us to take a family photo." I thought my family was weird but I guess his family is worse. 

"Okay, give me two hours and I will be ready." I said.

"You only have one Annette because Red and Ryker are with your parents and we need to fetch them for the photoshoot."

"Okay." I said. "I will call my mom and tell them to get the kids ready."

"Now that we sorted everything can I shower with you, just to sa--."

"No!" I said, going to the bathroom. "Elijah, shower in the other bathroom." I shouted looking at myself in my bathroom. 

After I was done in the bathroom I called my mother and told her to get the kids ready. I also got dressed and went to Elijah's room to help him get ready. 

"Why are you not ready yet?" I asked. 

"I can't believe we made it this far." Elijah said with teary eyes while he sat on his bed. "Three years ago I would've never imagined I would be a father at twenty-three and I would lose the person I love and then I would get another chance to be with the person I love an---."

"Elijah, stop it." I cupped his face. "We are happy where we are so why are you thinking about the past."

"Annette, everything is perfect and I just love that."

"I love it too so why are you getting emotional." I asked.

"I can't help but think about, what if I made a different decision. Would Red and Ryker be here? Would you be here? Would I be here? Annette, this is so perfect, and destiny, destiny made this possible. We were destined to be and we are still together and I can't help but admire that."

"Don't think about the 'what ifs'. Elijah, we have each other and our children and we are very happy so don't think about what could've happened if you made a different decision. Remember, you said I was a tempting mistake which you don't mind committing a billion times. I am your mistake."

"My best mistake." He got up.

"Exactly." I smiled. "And you are mine so don't think about the possibility of us ever separating. I love you, more than life itself and you should know that whatever decision we make nothing can ever separate us."

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