Chapter 46.

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Third person's POV.

It passed lunch-time and Benjamin kept looking at the time. Benjamin knows that Elijah would never miss an important meeting like this. So he quickly told his secretary to call Kathleen while he got ready for the meeting.

"Uncle the meeting will start in a couple of minutes so please don't be late." Adrian said, trying to cover up for Elijah.

"Elijah is supposed to be in this meeting. He said, he can handle this meeting alone." Benjamin remembered when Elijah was begging him last week to handle this meeting alone.

"Dad, I am twenty-two and the CEO of this campany so please stop babysitting me and let me handle this big deal. I promise I won't disappoint you."  Elijah said.

"Elijah I don't babysit you, I only take part in the big meetings because you are a kid." 

"Dad, Uncle Jay will be part of the meeting and he will tell you how I handle it so please don't come. I promise I will make you proud." 

"Fine, but if anything happens---."

"I know I know so calm down all man. I'll make you proud." Elijah ran out of his office excited.

- -

"Adrian, do you know where Elijah is?" Benjamin asked.

"I don't know but you know Elijah will never miss an important meeting so why don't you go to the meeting in his place, just in case." Adrian bit his lip. He knows Elijah went to see Annette but he promised not to tell Benjamin anything.

"Elijah will get angry if I go but he is running late so I will leave." Benjamin looked at Adrian suspiciously. "Kid, are you sure you don't know where Elijah is." Adrian panicked and turned away. 

'I can snitch on Elijah but he will never tell me anything when he finds out and he will beat me up again so I'll have to lie.'

"I don't know where he is but I will call him." Adrian replied and Jay came in the office.

"Gangsters these days are just getting out of hand." Jay mumbled.

"What happened Uncle Jay?" Adrian asked and Jay rolled his eyes.

"I got a call from one of my hotels and apparently some high-profile person was shot." Jay said.

"Do you know who the person is?" Benjamin asked and Jay shook his head.

"I don't know who it was and I don't care about that person. I just wish the shooting didn't happen in my hotel because now everyone will know my hotel as the 'place where a big shot died." Jay said angry. "Why do people even own guns?"

"Uncle Jay, did the person die or get shot?" Adrian asked confused.

"I am getting another call from my hotel, give me a second." Jay answered the call. "Please tell me the media doesn't know a shooting happen there because I don't want people--."

"Sir the media is here." She interrupted Jay. 

"What? Couldn't you just cover everything up and make sure no media found out about the shooting." Jay snapped.

"Sir, I am really sorry." She said. "I am so sorry for your loss. I know you are hurting right now." She kept talking and Jay muted the call and giggled.

"Share the joke Uncle." Adrian said.

"This girl is drunk, I know I love my hotels but she's giving me her condolence." Jay told them and Benjamin rolled his eyes.

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