Chapter 102.

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Elijah's POV. 

The second Annette left my office I called Adrian and asked him to come see me in my office. I can't believe Annette lied to me about being on her period. Why the fuck would she lie about such a thing? I mean, if she didn't want me touching her she could've said it and I would respect her and not touch her but she decided to lie. She knows she is a bad liar yet she decided to lie and use period as an excuse. 

"What's up?" Adrian asked, coming into my office.

"You won't believe what happened." I started. "Annette doesn't want to have se---."

"Wait." Adrian laughed. "That's what you called me here for." He took a seat. "Eli, everyone has a choice so why do you sound mad about her refusing you."

"It's one thing to say no, I don't want you but it's another thing to use period as an excuse." I said. "Imagine, period!"

"Damn, that is bad." Adrian shook his head. "I understand why you are mad."

"Do you think there is something wrong with me?" I asked. 

"Obviously, there is nothing wrong with you brother but Annette clearly thinks there is something wrong with you." He said. "But wait, how do you know she isn't on her period?"

"It's on my phone."

"Periods change all the time Eli. I mean the woman was dead for a year." Adrian replied.

"You are right." I agreed. "But I know Annette, and plus the other day she was drunk and she wanted me. You know how hard it was to turn down her. I had to fucking put her to sleep while controlling myself." I said. "But I regret that now. I should've just slept with her when she was desperate for me."

"It seems like you are the desperate one." Adrian said stopping himself from laughing. 

"I'll kill you." I threatened him and he laughed. "Adrian, you have a woman that loves you and I am stuck with someone who changes their mind all the time."

"Elijah you are acting like you haven't slept with anyone in such a long time." Adrian said and I sighed. "Wait, you didn't?" He covered his mouth with his hand acting shock. "Fuck, she has leverage over you." 

"It was my choice to not sleep with anyone Adrian so don't think Annette has control over me." I told him. 

"You couldn't even sleep with another girl while Annette was dead. You said that was cheating so how does Annette not have control over you? You really love her a lot." 

"If you not going to help me Adrian then please leave cause you are irritating me now." I said.

"Okay." Adrian replied. "I have an idea." 

"I'm listening."

"Annette used period as an excuse so why don't you pretend like you don't care." He said.

"That's your plan?" I asked.

"Well, I am not done." He replied. "Annette doesn't know that you never slept with anyone over a year so if you pretend you don't care about the fact she's on her period she's going to think you are getting it from someone else."

"That's a stupid plan." 

"I am not done Elijah." Adrian said. "After you pretend you going to answer my call 'cause I will you after supper and I will pretend I am one of your girls. The ones you had before Annette." He continued. "When you answer my calls you just have to pretend that you ended things with me just before you and Annette got back together."

"So Annette will think that you and I have been sleeping together. I mean some girl and I were sleeping together and I ended things just because Annette and I are back together."

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