Chapter 67.

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Third person's POV.

"Morning." Elijah came downstairs. "I came down to make some milk for Red and Ryker." 

"I'll do it, you can take a nap." Benjamin said.

"Whatever you hiding please tell mom." Elijah mumbled making milk for the babies.

"What?" Benjamin questioned. "I am not hiding anything."

"That's good." Elijah smiled. "Red is crying, I will talk to you later." Elijah quickly ran upstairs. "Don't you have patience little girl." He said picking her up. "It's a good thing that you not sharing a room with Ryker. What would I have done without my family." She started drinking the milk. 

Benjamin quickly prepared breakfast for Sofia.

"Are you going somewhere?" Sofia asked, entering the kitchen. 

"Yeah, I have to visit the hospital for Annette --- I mean, I have to make sure we paid everything so the Hendricks don't get mails from the hospital."

"Thank you." Sofia smiled. "You are a good person Benjamin."

"Please eat." Benjamin said.

"I don't feel like having toast bread and eggs." She replied. "I am really nauseous, a cup of tea would be nice." 

"Why are you feeling nauseous?" Benjamin started making tea. 

"I don't know. I feel as if I am pregnant with another Oliver." Sofia said. "But I know I am not pregnant because I have been on pills. Now please hurry up with the tea." 

"When was the last time you took those tablets?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Benjamin you are making me think." She said, annoyed. "The last time I took them was before Annette's death. I miss my daughter, I wish she was still here."

"Same." Benjamin smiled. "She was crazy one but unique." 

"She loved you more than she loved me. I could see it. She always wanted your approval and I know when you approved her relationship with Elijah, that was one of the happiest days of her life." She cried. "I wish I could swipe places with her."

"Don't say that." Benjamin said. "Don't think about the what ifs. It won't help anyone." He smiled at her. "Annette is happy wherever she is, we should be happy too."

"My tea please." 

"You are so impatient." Benjamin gave her the tea. "Is there anything else you want?"

"Can we go for a check-up after Annette's funeral because I have been feeling weird lately. I think it's because of the shock you know but if I don't get well after the funeral, I have to see a doctor."

"It's completely fine if you are just nauseous but if you want to see a doctor then I will book an appointment for you."

"Thank you." Sofia smiled. 

-    -

Benjamin entered the hospital and asked for Annette's papers. He paid for everything.

"Mr. Carson, there are some belongings of Annette's in her room. We usually clean the rooms and keep the belongings of the patient in another room but this time we didn't do that because we didn't need to use that room and the doctor said it's best if Carson's come collect everything."

"Thank you." Benjamin said. 

"I am sorry for your loss Mr. Carson." The nurse left and Benjamin went to Annette's room. He found Anna sitting on a chair, rubbing the bed while tears rolled down her cheeks. 

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