Chapter 81.

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Annette's POV.

I arrived at the house and my sister opened the door for me. The second she saw my face, she started crying and I hugged her. 

"You are safe?" She asked, touching my face.

"Yeah." My grandpa's plan was to tell Meghan I am still alive after a year or two but since the plan is ruined, I am glad everyone knows I am completely fine.

"Annette." My mom kissed me. "I am glad you are here."

"Where have you been?" My father asked.

"The kid just arrived Marko." My mom said taking my hand. "Have a seat sweety."

"Dad is right, mom." Meghan said. "Where was Annette all this time? We saw her die so what happened that night?"

"Meghan, your sister came back after so many months and you care about that stupid night." My mom replied. "Please let her enjoy one day without anyone questioning her or accusing her of something."

"Meghan, talking to your mother is useless." My father said and I looked at my mother or who was angry. "When your mother speaks in such a manner, just know she is hiding something."

"Marko, please!" Mom snapped. "I don't kno---." Someone knocked on the door so Meghan went to get the door. "Dad." My mom said, surprised. My grandpa is definitely up to something.

"So you decided to move here and disobey my rules." He said, disappointed.

"No grandpa." I walked to him. "I would never disobey you." 

"So you were with grandpa all this time?" Megan with her big mouth asked and my dad looked at me with teary eyes.

"Your mother knew about it, didn't she?" He asked and I didn't say a word. "Anna, did you know?" He asked my mother but she ignored him so he pulled her. "Anna, I asked you a question!" 

"Yes." My mom said and my dad let her go.

"Your and your father decided to take my daughter away from me and tell us she's dead." My dad shouted. "I'm her father, you two can't just take my daughter from me when you want to."

"She's not your daughter." My grandpa said. "She's a Kingston, she doesn't need your permission."

"She's my daughter and stops calling her a Kingston." My dad shouted. "Kingston is the reason why we always had problems." He pointed his finger at grandpa. "Listen, you ruined your daughter's life don't try and ruin my daughter's life!"

"Dad please calm down." I said.

"Shut up." He snapped. "I always thought you just looked like your mother but your personality is just like hers. You constantly lie over everything and you--." He looked at me with teary eyes. "You never ever tell me anything about you. You always hide everything from me. You faked your own death and never even told me about it. How long have you been playing the fake death?"

"Marko can we please talk about that another time." Mom said but he laughed.

"So you can tell me more lies." He said and someone knocked on the door. I quickly walked to the door and I was surprised to see Aunt Sofia and Uncle Benjamin with a little baby. 

They both greeted me and walked into the house.

"Meghan." I pulled her aside. "Mom and dad are fighting, we need to make it stop before one of them decides to through divorce---."

"Wait." She looked at me angry. "If my parents divorce it will be because of you. And please, please don't utter my name. We are not related. In fact, you are my number one enemy and I feel disgusted that I am related to you." She walked back to my parents arguing and I followed her. She's just angry, she will come around soon. 

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