Chapter 71.

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Benjamin's POV.

I read the letter Annette wrote for Elijah and the kids, over and over again but nothing made sense to me. I know she's dead but every time Elijah said she isn't dead, I believed him over my eyes and everyone else but now that he accepted her death I still think the old Elijah was telling the truth. Annette's death feels wasn't actually a shock to me, it felt like someone planned her death. She died of a cardiac arrest when she was so healthy? I don't believe that nonsense.

I have so many questions but they all don't make any sense to me!

My little son started crying so I got out of bed and walked to him.

"You always want to wake mommy up." I mumbled, giving him the bottle. I need answers to my questions. 

I put the baby back to sleep and sneaked out of the room. Something doesn't add up, I need to find my answers.

I took the shovel, my coat and left the house. I went for a drive. Usually, I talk to someone close to me and it helps me get answers to every question I have but today I don't think any family member can give me answers to the questions I have. Everyone will just tell me not to go near Elijah or else he will go back to his crazy ways and start thinking Annette is alive.

I believed my son when he said Annette didn't die but I didn't do anything about it because I didn't want to give him false hope but now that I read the letter she left for Elijah, I am starting to think this is all just an illusion. Annette is not dead but then where is she? 

I ended up going to Annette's grave. I took my coat off and picked the shovel up. 

"Kid, where are you?" I said, touching her tombstone. "I know I didn't like you a lot but you made my son happy. I really miss having you around." I quickly wiped my tear. "I am sorry about this, but I really love my son more than you all think." I mumbled as I started digging up her grave. Elijah will hate me for this but at least we will know for sure Annette died. 

I opened the coffin and I shut my eyes, praying not to find her remindings inside. 

The second I opened my eyes, my heart broke into a million pieces. Tears formed in my eyes as I shook my head. My son, the fucking played with my son! There is nobody in here and they broke my son's heart. They made a fool out of us. So many people thought my son was going crazy because of them! Those fucking Kingston-Hendrick family will pay for this.

I closed the fucking coffin and started burying it again. Elijah was right all along, this was all a lie. Someone made up a story and decided to run with it because they knew we would be too focused on the children. They decided to declare Annette dead because they knew we would want to protect the babies and help Elijah move on. The babies being born the same night Annette died is not a coincidence, it was a fucking plan made by the Kingston-Hendricks, but how could they do this to us? How could they do this to their own grandchildren and Elijah? 

I need fucking answers! 

I went straight to Hendricks house and started knocking on the door so fucking hard. They better give a good reason why Annette is not in her stupid grave!

"Why the hell are you knocking like that!" Anna answered the door. "Did something happen?"

"Where is she?" I asked. "Where is Annette?" I questioned.

"What?" She looked at me confused.

"I dug up her grave and she wasn't in her coffin so you better tell me where is she." I said.

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